2- group chat/ real life

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Rebekah deleted last 21 messages
Rebekah added Elena

9 A.M

Caroline-Seriously Rebekah

Elena- What happened to the last 21 messages

Hope- Nothing

Katherine- None of your business preggers🤰

Elena- You do realize if you weren't such a slut and never got pregnant when you were 17 i would not be here right


Rebekah- Damn she got a point if you never had a baby Elena would never have been born

Katherine- And i'm still prettier than her

Elena- We look exactly the same🙄

Katherine- Oh shut up and go jump off a cliff oh wait you just like jumping off bridges

Elena- You jumped off a clocktower at least i'm a vampire miss human

Katherine- Ugh you do know all your boyfriends had liked me right

Kol- Speak for yourself i want you dead can you not get me killed

Rebekah- Hormones are a bitch

Elena- I'm gonna kill your girlfriend Elijah🤬

Katherine- How did you know that

Hayley- Story time

Caroline- All ears👂👂

Hayley- Elena and me were going to talk to our witch friend vincent when he said he had just seen her holding hands with Elijah when i couldn't get Kol to let me take her that morning we put the pieces together

Klaus- Sounds about right just don't ever call her Katherine that will end your life

Freya- Huh

Elena- Call Me Katherine and i will kill you

Bonnie- Its true

Caroline-  Can we talk about something else please

Elena- What did y'all bet on last night

Caroline-.... Nothing

Hope- Nothing important

Elena- I'm three months pregnant and i know what i'm having

Freya- Excuse me

Hope- What

Katherine- Did i win

Hayley- Dumbasses



Kol put his phone down and flashed to where Elena and Hayley were eating ice cream"You what?"

"Not telling you." Elena smirked.

"Thats not fair."

"Neither is you tickling me." Elena smiled.

Elena- I will not tell anyone


Kol- I'm her boyfriend

Elena-How much did y'all bet

Hope- 50 each

Elena- Who bet what

Josie- Everyone bet girl or boy

Freya- Please Elena

Elena- Everyone owes me 50$

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