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I honestly have no idea what's going on. The last thing I remember is I got attacked by a cougar. Now I'm back at the plane? Why is everyone acting so weird? How am I almost fully healed? Why is it that every time I mention Saige everyone dodges my questions with some sort of no good excuse?

"Xavier?" I asked. I heard whispers from the other side of the door, but I couldn't quite tell what they were saying. Bothered by this, I decided to investigate. I got out of bed slowly, and quietly. I tried to be subtle, but as soon as I put weight on my legs I felt weak. I tried to ignore it as I took a few steps towards the door. My wound sent pain through the rest of my stomach, but I didn't let that stop me. I felt weaker every step I took, and every step made it harder to keep walking. I didn't moan or cry out because I am very aware that I am not supposed to be up let alone eavesdropping.

I still heard whispers coming from the other side of the door. I had one hand over my wound, and one hand on the door handle. The doors metal handle felt cold from underneath my pale hands. I leaned against the door for a few seconds and waited for the pain to subside. I saw my reflection in the metal. It left my face quite disoriented, and I didn't fail to see the purple bags under my eyes. I turned the knob as quietly as I could without losing my balance in the process. I creaked open the door and walked passed it. I let go of the doorknob and tried to keep my balance. Pain flared in my stomach again making me feel weak.

I saw Xavier, Samuel and Zahra talking up ahead. They were all gathered in a circle, and to busy whispering to notice me. I smiled, "Hey guys." My wound started to sting worse than ever, and it made me even weaker. I tried to keep my balance, but I couldn't. The impact on the hard floor made my wound reopen, and it started bleeding. I groaned, and I heard Xavier and Zahra's voices trail off. I tried to focus on them, but the pain overwhelmed me. I could make out a few words. Xavier was talking to Zahra, I think, "Help me get her back to her room, please." His voice was distant and panicked, and Zahra's was no different, "Her wound! Shes bleeding!" I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, I was back in my bed. The pain subsided a little, and the bleeding stopped. New bandages covered my wound, but I still felt weak.

My voice quivered, "Where is Saige?" Out of the corner of my eye I seen a figure shift. I looked over and noticed Xavier. He stood up and the look on his face told me something was wrong. He replied hesitantly. His voice wavering, "Violet, remember when you got attacked by that cougar?" I nodded, and he continued, "Okay, remember when Saige got bit by that spider?" I nodded once more, and he continued, "Well you both were very hurt, and neither of you were going to make it. Then we found a solution. The Smithonian Hero Plant, it could save both of you." Zahra had tears streaming down her face, and I could tell Xavier kept blinking them back himself. He continued, "But I ran into a problem with the plant. I retrieved it from Lila while Samuel was trying to find it, but she had already used half of it. Which meant it was only enough save one of you." I knew where this was going, and I didn't like it. I should have never agreed to go on this quest I knew the possibilities. Xavier swallowed hard, "I got here before Samuel did, and you two were in terrible condition. Me and Zahra had to save one of you or we were taking the chance of both of you dieing. So... because I retrieved the antidote it was my decision, and I gave it to you you're family." I laid back in my bed and listened to Xavier continue is sentence, but his words just kind of echoed through my mind as he said them, "Violet, I told you all of that to tell you that Saige is gone, I'm sorry."

Xavier walked out of the room before I could answer him, and Zahra wouldn't answer my questions. She only said to me, "Violet, stay in bed the plant has only been in your system for a few hours. You will be good to go by time we get to Oakmond City tomorrow." I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Saige was gone, "We're still going on with this quest after what happened?" Zahra turned around and faced the door and answered, "Yes, because Phoebe is still hurt and she will die to if we don't save her. Not to mention if we abandon this quest Saige would have died for nothing." I let her words rattle in my head before I replied. I know she's right, but I still feel guilty. Should I? Is it my fault? How could it be? These questions popped into my head ever since Xavier told me of Saige's death.

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