S1 E1: Camp Cretaceous

Start from the beginning

I glare at him and say, "I don't recall even agreeing to date you."

The others try to hide the fact they are laughing. Then Ben bends over the side of the truck and starts hurling his cookies. Brooklynn grabs her phone back from Kenji.

Suddenly the truck swerves. I pick up Humans. Maybe they know where my family is. The truck doors open. Roxie and Dave hop out. Ben nervously asks, "Um, Dave, what's going on?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." Dave says upbeat while holding a pole-like object that crackles electricity. Then more seriously Dave says, "But you should all definitely stay in your seats."

That gets the others to lean in to look, excitedly. I hear leaves rustling. It appears that Darius hears it too. Darius says, "Guys?"

No one pays him attention.

He says, "Guys?" even more nervously.

A small about the size of a turkey the dinosaur leaps out and tackles me to the ground. While everyone else screams and leaps away.

Mom? Home?

It curls up on my lap, then Roxie wraps it up with a white blanket. She puts it into a cat carrier.

Roxie says, "Crisis averted. These things are always getting out of their enclosure."

Darius gasps, "A real life Compsognathus!"

Kenji acts unimpressed, "Oh, please. It took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it. Boring."

Darius turns and says, "scared you pretty good."

Darius smiles.

I smirk, "Yeah. Just like it took a towel to catch you."

The others laugh and Brooklynn takes a picture of Kenji's face. Kenji sputters, "W-w-well I-. Hey! I was eight years old!"

"Wait. How long have you two known each other?" asks Brookylnn.

I smile and say, "Our parents have been hoping for a long time that we will like each other and at least date. I believe that we first met each other when we were around three."

"Sounds about right. Mr and Mrs. Turner and my parents seem to think we are meant to be." Kenji says putting his arm around my shoulder.

I flick his hand. Kenji winces and removes his arm.

We continue to drive along until we see a big door that says Jurassic World than under it it says Camp Cretacous.

Dave says, "Welcome to Camp Cretacous."

The doors slowly open. As the doors close behind us, Sammy laughs. We celebrate as the door closes.

The truck rolled to a stop. Roxie and Dave step out of the front. Everyone hops out of the back. Everyone says, "Woah."

In front of us is a giant house that is incorporated in multiple trees. Brooklynn immediately starts filming. She faces her phone toward herself and says, "Hey, Brooklanders, check this place out! Is this not the most amazing thing you have ever seen?"

Kenji, not to be one upped by a tree house, says, "If you think this is cool, you should see my dad's penthouse in the main park."

Brooklynn gives a pointed look to the camera. I approach and whisper, "I've seen it. Personally, I think a few tornadoes went through it."

Brooklynn snickered. Brooklynn notices the other girl and says, "Yasmina! Hey, girl. So, as an elite athlete, how pumped are you for camp?"

Brooklynn points her phone at her. Yasmina hides her face and says, "Not a huge fan of being on camera. Or people."

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