Part Two

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  I hummed to the wonderful tune bouncing off the studio room walls  as the bow glides across the strings with a a soothing melody almost as like a lullaby. Im glad I can teach some children this, its so soothing and gets your mind off other things. Tomarrow I will be teaching piano lessons but I want someone that loves the sound of this and actually listens not paid to listen or paid to learn I want some one who loves the music Ding the bell went to the door saying that some one has entered and I walked out the studio and blinked seeing a man with a beanie on his head with a shirt and sweater on,  almost like hes in a school "May I help you?" He jumped and looked at me "I-I must of e-entered the wrong area I-I heard something and wanted to know where it came from.." He started to blush I think from embarrassment and I chuckled "It was me this is my I guess you can say studio I teach piano and violin" he smiled "It sounds beautiful can you teach me?" I blinked "Are you sure?" He smiled more "Yes!" I chuckled ".Um okay then well my name is Torikku and you are?" He fixed his beanie then said "Im Mumei" I smiled "You can just come here anytime and Ill gladly teach you" he giggled and smiled more "Thank you!!! I'll come tomamrrow!" He then ran out the door Ding. He...he liked my music?


    yay I will learn so I can play beautiful music for Mike I'm sure he will like it.  I slowed down to a stop and whined rubbing my legs togeather man im in heat again crap! I quickly ran back home and looked at mike asleep on the couch. Guess Ill have to deal with its darn...I was about to walk into the bathroom but stopped "Wait that music soothed me,  maybe he will be there again at the store and help of course I wont tell him I'm in heat that would be werid. I walked out the house again walking to the studio again and smiled when I heard the soothing sound and looked into the window then walked in again and he appeared from the door "Oh hello again " I started shaking "c-could you play the violen again please it helps me calm down. I stood there waiting then he smiled nodding and started to play again. Ah much better I closed my eyes leaning against the wall, Why does this music help me relax? I feel like I heard it before.."Im glad you like my music for entertainment but, if you could,  can you take off the Beanie" I froze looking at Torikku  "U-um..." He smiled "Please? " Even though the music only stops it for a while it comes back to quick and I was trembling again "I - I will if y-you continue playing " He stared at me "Are you okay?" He walked towards me making me press against the wall more trembling even more, I hate being in heat...but if he dosent move away im going to pounce on him "Mumei?" He layed a hand on my shoulder "Nya!!~" He jumped and moved his hand "I-im sorry!" I whimpered and slowly removed my beanie "I-im s-sorry I-im in h-heat" He stared at me  "Im sorry but I remember now you are Hiyamas pet" I stared at him and he smirked grabbing my wrist making me wince in pain but also tremble with the contact "I always had my eyes on you" I whimpered "S-stop p-please y-you wont l-like me I n-never listen!" He gripped my wrist tighter "nngn~" I bit my lip I hate this... I need mike to help me with being in heat not Torikku,  I need Mike!!! "My father is Hiyamas enemy and I always told him I wanted you but no matter you were stuck with Hiyama but now your here alone, Does that mean your free? " I whimpered trying to pull my arm away but he grabbed my neck slamming me against the wall making me wince "Tell me!" I trembled. Fuck Im losing it, I will lose the control of myself! I struggled more "Let go!! I love Mike im a free person now Im not going to be your slave!" He smirked squeezing my neck making me tremble more "We will see"




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