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Y/n pov

As I'm getting thrown out the door by my parents my so called father threw me his sword

Dad:there you go brat I cant believe I had to give my sword to a demi lover

Man I hate him my necklace almost broke

Another pov

Y/n found that necklace about a year ago in a cave it bonded with him and made him look like an oni he has to have it with him at all times or he becomes a oni

Y/n pov

I should tell shino how I feel before I leave and ask her if she wants to go with  me

I walk towards me and shines house
In the would

As I knock on the door a guy comes to the door

R/g:hey what are you doing here

I'm here to see shino

Shino walks to the door

Shino:hey what's up y/n how have you been you probably havent met my boyfriend yashido yet so what's up

Nothing I'm just coming to say goodbye I have to go to a samurai academy I was going to come and see if you wanted to come with me but I see that you are with your boyfriend goodbye shino this is the last time you will be seeing me

Shino:well bye I geuss

Shino starts to tear up and hugs y/n

(This is the first time anyone has hugged me before)

We end the hug and I start to walk away I head in the direction that my parents told me to go


I am at the gate of the academy I see guards checking if students are demi's  or not

Just my luck I have to get checked by a female gaurd

F/g:hey handsome hows it going

Fine can you just check me now


She starts to feel my body and starts going lower until she touches my junk

Hey what the hell are you doing your supposed to check out me head feet and back not my dick

F/g:s-sorry my hand slipped (holy shit he was big) here you go

She opens the gate to let me in

As I'm walking in I bump into someone

Sorry I wasn't watching were I was going

???oh it's fine

And done with first chapter

What monster girl should you meet first

y/n the samurai  (Going To Remake)Where stories live. Discover now