Ch. 2 School

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"Kaminari, Kaminari," Recovery Girl said, shaking Kaminari awake.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Recovery Girl, I must've blacked out," he chuckled. She sighed and walked to a nearby bed.

"Don't worry about it child, I was just waking you up because you held onto Jiro's hand, and I needed to transfer her to another bed. You blacked out because when I healed you, I got too much energy," the old woman explained.

Kaminari looked and saw he was still holding Jiro's hand, and saw his resting position was his head by her head. 

Blushing, he let go of her hand and helped Recovery Girl transfer Jiro to another bed.

He saw he wasn't holding the antidote, and saw Recovery Girl placing it in an injection and injected it in her arm.

He looked at his watch and saw it was 11am, almost time for lunch at the dorm.

"Kaminari," began Recovery Girl.

His direction turned to the woman. "I'll explain what happened to Jiro later, right now go have lunch," Recocery Girl explained nodding.

Kaminari sighed, gave one last look at Jiro and jogged to Heights Alliance.

*sigh* "This serum should be able to heal Jiro, I hope Sakka didn't make a mistake," Recovery Girl exhaled.

Looking at Jiro, "well, I'm glad that Green Boy, Midoriya's not always the only visitor here,"

Sutoriraita Sakka is an old friend of Recovery Girl

Heights Alliance

"Bro, where's Jiro?" Kirishima asked. "Oh, she has an appointment with Recovery Girl," Kaminari lied.

"Aww, I wanted the girls to have a monopoly deal game," Ashido pouted.

Kaminari sighed and went to his room.

A few minutes later, Aizawa came in the dorms. "Where's Kaminari?" He asked. "Oh, he's in his room Sensei," Kirishima answered.

Knock knock!

"Come in," Kaminari replied

"Kaminari," Aizawa began. "Sensei?! What do you need?" Kaminari replied.

"Recovery Girl informed me of what happened. Mic also saw it on the TV. Jiro has a low chance, but Recovery Girl is trying her best," Aizawa explained.

Kaminari nodded and replied, "can I tell the others?"

"Sorry, but we have to keep this confidential. Maybe three?" Aizawa shrugged. "She'll live,"

Kaminari looked up and saw Aizawa holding the doorknob, "just don't forget about your schoolwork,"

Kaminari just stared at him.


"Kaminari, where's Ashido?" Sero asked. "Oh, I think she's with Yaomomo," Kaminari replied.

Aizawa and Sero left Kaminari alone in his room, this left him to his thoughts and thinking of not being able to protect Jiro.

Suddenly, a knock interrupted his thoughts.

"Gyah!" He exclaimed, falling of his chair. 

"Ah, Kaminari-kun!" 

"Yaomomo? What are you doing here?" Kaminari replied. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki were helping him up.

Kaminari POV

"I wanted to ask where Jiro-san was," she replied. "I wanted to inquire too," Todoroki added.

*sigh* these two are really smart

"Okay, but promise me you won't tell anyone," I replied.

After explaining to them what happened that morning, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki were speechless.

"So Jiro-san is in Recovery Girl's room right now?" Yaomomo stuttered. I nodded.

"Why don't we check her out," Todoroki suggested. We nodded in response and left my room to get raincoats, because it was raining.

While waiting for Yaoyorozu and Todoroki, I waited outside in the rain. Once they came out we headed to Recovery Girl's Room.

On our way there, we ran into Lida who was just coming back from getting his suit fixed by Hatsume. He asked where we were going and I told everything to him.

There goes my three people ticket, I chuckle.

We arrive at the infirmary, and the door opens.

"Jiro-san" Yaoyorozu gasped. She sped to Jiro's side and checked if she was still breathing. 

"Don't worry child, the girl will be fine. This antidote is meant for this. Jiro got hit by a headache quirk," Recovery Girl began.

"Headache quirk?" Yaoyorozu interrupted.

"Yes, Lida was there wasn't he?" Recovery Girl explained. 

Lida nodded. 

"I was passing by after visiting my brother in our house. I saw an attack at M-Mall but decided to not intrude because heroes were also there. But the villain looked familiar. He looked like a villain my brother was fighting a few years ago, I was watching on a tv, and while my brother was taking down the villain, two people were rescuing an injured person from behind," he explained.

"Yes, those two were me and my friend, Sutoriraita Sakka. A fellow doctor who I trained with. The injured one was a relative of Sakka, an earphone jack user. After his relative experienced the headache, he wanted to create a cure. Unfortunately, the school which we were in did not support it. He left to find a way," Recovery Girl explained.

"But, what's it going to do with Earphone Jack users?" Todoroki Asked.

"The villain, who goes by the name Ache. His quirk can make ear quirk users deaf," Recovery Girl stated bluntly.

"Deaf?!" Muttered Yaoyorozu.

"Kaminari, you got hit by the blast too, it made you sleepy and dizzy. It's what happens to non-ear quirk users," Recovery Girl said.

I looked at the ground, Jiro could  be deaf?!

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