The Rise of Voltron part 1

Start from the beginning

"I'll be right back bro."Kora said to her brother as she starts to stand up and walk towards the tail of the hover bike.
"What are you doing."Keith yells at his sister. But Kora had already jumped off the hover bike and landed on the roof of the closest rovers. Kora gripped onto the roof and flung herself to the driver side of the rover. She kicked at the window and broke it. She then grabbed the driver and threw him out the rover,but not to harshly. The guy was wearing armor anyway, but he might have an concussion. Kora then went through the broken window and sat in the driver's seat and took the wheel.
She pressed on the gas petal and the rover went fast as it can go.
Keith slowed the hover bike down to catch Kora. Kora managed to jam the gas petal and went out through the broken window and onto a nother rovers roof.
Taken a moment and waiting for the right time. Kora then jumped back on the hover bike. The rover she hijacked it swiveled and flipped for good this time while the other rover is still chasing them. "What were you thinking." Keith asked his sister, who was sitting behind him again. "Helping Shaking them off."Kora respond back to her twin. Yeah, Kora have some great reflexes.
"Did you just see that you guys." Lance says to the others who had a surprise look on their faces, on what they had saw.

Kora looked to see a cliff up ahead."Keith, up ahead." Kora shouted from behind her twin. Keith saw it to."Good eye sis."Keith told his sister.But Kora wasn't the only one to spotted the cliff.
"Guys?I-I-I-I-is that a cliff?"The big boy said stammering. "Oh, no,no,no!"Lance started yelling.

"Yup."Keith said smirking as he lean forward and sped the hover bike while Lance and short boy with glasses. Kora wrapped her arms around her brother while the bike picked up speed. Soon the bike flew off the cliff and started to plummet towards the far away ground.
"What are you doing? You'll kill us all!"Lance shouted as they fell. "Just shut up and trust us."Kora shouted behind her. Giving Keith the focus he needed for this trick. The wind blew at Kora's black and purple hair. Then the hover bike jerked upwards. They didn't crash. The remaining rover was left at the top of the cliff while Keith speed away. Soon enough they reached their small shack that Keith and Kora be living in.
Everyone got off while Kora and Keith helped Shiro into the shack and onto the couch. Soon everyone else walked in the shack and started observing the place. Keith gotten Shiro some clothes to wear once he wakes up. Everyone went on the floor and went to sleep.
It was sunrise, and the now conscious Shiro was in deep thought as he stood on top of a hill outside the shack. Keith and Kora went out to him. Kora embraces Shiro with a huge. "It great that you are back." She murmured,then let go.Keith placed his hand on Shiro's shoulders and said to him, "it's good to have you back."
Shiro exhaled, "it's good to be back."
"So, what happened out there.Where were you"Keith asked.His hand slid off Shiro's shoulder. Shiro sighed, crossing his arms. "I wish I could tell you. My head's still scrambled.... I was on an alien ship....somehow I escaped,'s all a blur."He explained. He turned to the two siblings,he asked them. "How did you guys know to come save me when I crashed?"
Kora turned back towards the shack. "You should come see this." She said softly, and the three of headed inside, where the three Garrison cadets stowaways were waiting. When they were all gathered in the living room, Keith yanked a sheet off a board attached to a wall, revealing maps, images,sticky notes of information and various colours of string connecting pieces of evidence together.
"What have you two been working on."Shiro asked.
"We can't explain it, really,after getting booted from the Garrison, We were kinda lost and found ourselves drawn out to this place."Keith answered. "It's like something....some energy,was telling us to search."Kora continued.
Shiro faced the twins. "For what."He asked.
Well,we didn't really know at the time...Until Kora stumble across this area,"Keith explained as he placed his fingers over an area circle and labeled 'Energy Source.' "It's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves covered in these ancient markings. Markings that outdate recorded civilization by over five thousand years. Each tell a different story of a blue lion but they all share a same clues leading to some event, some arrival happening last night."Kora chimed in.
Keith looked at Shiro. "Then, you showed up." Keith told Shiro

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