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My motto has been treat every living being with kindness. I decided to end this album with a positive note. I tried my best as I'm not exactly satisfied but yes, let's end this album with a positive note. Enjoy !


If you don't understand
Don't mouth your words
Safe to keep with you than hurt someone

You got a heart for a reason
So listen to it and spread
Treat every living being with kindness

Why judge cuz of colour
Don't forget you got it from your mama
Why hate someone's faith
When God is one
Why divide ourselves when
You can spread love

Don't mouth your words
If you don't understand
Safe to keep with you than hurt someone
So listen to it and spread
Treat every living being with kindness

Animals know how to love
They don't divide
They unite
Greed hurts them
Takes them away from family

Why are we heartless
The almighty loves all of us
You got a heart for a reason
So listen to it and spread
Treat every living being with kindness

Triangle tattoos, one's beliefs
Vegan movement, BLM protests
Something I support

We have a heart for a reason
Listen to it and spread
Treat every living being with kindness

Even if they don't deserve
Treat every living being with kindness

Even if they don't deserve Treat every living being with kindness

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