𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑦𝑤𝑜𝑔

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i got to school the next morning, and was walking with max and lucas. me and max hadn't talked about the night before, and i hadn't told anyone else, not even mike.
"i still don't get why they call him zombie boy. i mean, i get it, he got lost in the woods for a week or something, but why is he a zombie? because everyone thought he was dead?" max asked.
"yeah. i mean, we had a funeral for him and everything, didn't we y/n/n?"
"mhm." i mumbled, not feeling up to talking. my dad had got in from the bar in a bad mood again, taking it out on me, obviously. i ended up cutting again, by this point my wrists and thighs were practically sliced off. i didn't tell heather though. she was acting weird.
"after a week?" max asked.
"well, see, some other kid drowned at the quarry, we thought it was will because his body was super decomposed."
"what? okay, that's not funny." max denied, not believing us.
"it's not a joke, alright? it's public knowledge. you can ask anybody. except will because he is really sensitive about it. alright?" said lucas.
"okay." max agreed.
we walked off to class, and i pulled max into the toilets before she could get in the classroom.
"hi." i said.
"hi?" she replied, sounding confused.
"i need to talk to you about last night. like, when you held my hand." i said.
"oh." i think she had been thinking about it the whole time, just like i had, but denied it.
"max, i like you." i admitted.
"oh y/n, i think i like you too." she admitted back, and our heads were moving closer together. i move her hair behind her ear and we end up kissing and when we pulled away, i smiled at her because i was so happy. she had the biggest grin on her face that i'd ever seen. i realised we were 10 minutes late to class, so we left the bathroom and off we went.

we sat down at our seats when suddenly dustin burst in through the door, making me jump and sadie put her hand on my thigh and squeezed it, but not too hard. my cuts were still new, and i flinched out of the pain. she looked at me with a confused look, and ended up just taking her hand away and paying attention to my clarke. dustin was talking to the boys, and mike turned around and passed me a note. the note read:
meet in av club, at lunch. dustin says it's inportant.
xoxo, mike.
i felt bad for max, but i didn't tell her just in case it was about something from the upside down. that was until dustin turned around and said to max
"av club. lunch." he says, until mr clarke tells him off for talking.

dustin opens his ghostbusters box from the night before and we all look into it. inside was a small, red and green creature. we didn't know what it was.
"his names d'artagnan." he said, pulling the creature out of the box and holding it in his hands.
"cute, right?"
"d'artagnan?" mike asks.
"dart for short." dustin insists.
"and he was in your trash?" max asks.
"foraging for food." says dustin.
"wanna hold him?" dustin asks me.
"i'm good." i say.
"what about you max?"
"no no."
"he doesn't bite-" dustin insists, giving him to max.
"i don't want to- oh god he's slimy!"
i laugh, them all passing him to one another. it gets to mike, and mikes he only one who dosen't freak out.
"what is he?" mike asks.
"my question exactly. at first i thought it was some type of pollywog-"
"pollywog?" max asks, confused.
"it's another word for tadpole." i assure.
dustin starts explaining what a tadpole is to max.
"i know what a tadpole is" max says.
then he starts talking and talking and more talking, until i get annoyed and walk out. i sit outside for a while, until the bell rings. dustins insisting he's discovered a new species, lucas is saying we should tell mr clarke about it, will's acting weird, mike's just normal and max is being cute, as always.

dustin was just about to show dart to mr clarke, when will and mike bursting into the room, telling us we need to go.
we got to the av club room, max banging on the door asking if she can come in. i ended up going outside to sit with her because i felt bad.
"hey." i say
"hi." she says back.
"so about earlier i-"
before i could say anything, she kissed me again. i was hearing everything the boys were saying, but not telling max i could. she climbed onto my lap and we were making out. until we heard footsteps, which meant someone was coming. shit. i pulled away, stopping her for a minute, then grabbing her hand, pulling her up and taking her to the bathroom.

we locked ourselves in a stall, starting to kiss again. we started making out, and she was kissing my neck at this point, and i know we're only 13 and we couldn't do much more than that, but we were both girls, and couldn't get each other pregnant, so why not? so we didn't end up doing it, because the boys were probably finishing up talking so we rushed back to the av room, hand in hand smiling at each other. i was the happiest i've been in a long time. we sat outside the av room, me laying down and max slumped up against the wall looking like we've both been there the whole time.

something made a noise in the room, so max started banging on the door.
"come on, let me in, what's that noise?" she asked.
long story short we got in there, even though they would of let me in anyway but max had mad door unlocking skills. max got the door open and dart came rushing out.
all the boys came after it, knocking max to the floor. when they all left, i offered max a hand and pulled her up.
"thanks." she smiled.
i smiled back at her. we ended up chasing the boys and trying to find the creature.

me and max look for him in the gym, and we go into the boys locker rooms. it was dark, and suddenly mike comes up to us with a room, making me jump.
"what the hell are you doing?" max asks.
"why are you in here?" mike shouts.
"looking for dart." i say.
"this is the boys room y/n."
"yeah, so?" max defends me.
"so you should go home." mike says, running out the room.
"why do you hate me so much?" max asks.
"i don't hate you." mike replies.
"but you don't want me in your party."
"why not?"
"because your annoying?" mike snaps.
"also, we don't need another party member. i'm out paladin, will's our cleric, dustin's our bard, lucas is our ranger, and y/n and el are our mage's!" mike adds
"el? who's el?" max asks, looking at us both.
"someone." i say.
"no one" mike corrects.
"someone or no one? max asks.
"she was in our party a long time ago."
"max, just leave it-"
"no y/n/n, i wanna know who el is!"
"she moved away, okay?" mike awnsers.
"she was a mage?" max asks.
"what could she do, magic tricks or something?" said max, clueless.
"i could be your zoomer." she suggested.
"that's not even a real thing."
"it could be!"
she proceeds to ride around me and mike on her skateboard, me smiling at her and following her with my eyes wherever she went.
"see? zoomer"
"mind blowing." says mike, sarcastically.
"come on, you know your impressed." she insists.
they were talking to each other, me just focusing on how gorgeous max was. that was when she fell off her skateboard.
"omg max are you okay!" i ask, immediately helping her up.
"yeah, i think so." she says.
"what happened?" i ask.
"i don't know, it was like a magnet pulling on my board or something. i know it sounds crazy."
and that was when i saw her. el, standing my the door. it was only a quick glance, but i'm guessing mike saw her too because he came running out the gym looking for her. but she wasn't there. i came out after him, assuring him that it was okay and hugging him, whilst he was saying,
"it was her, my el." while crying.
"i know bub, i know. it's okay, it's okay." i comforted him.

i heard will on the walkie talkie, saying he had found dart in the bathroom and we had to come. we went to the bathroom but will wasn't there, and neither was dart. we found dustin and lucas in the bathroom, but no will. we rushed everywhere trying to find them, and found him standing in the middle of the field having another episode. joyce came and woke him up. it took a few minutes but he finally opened his eyes.

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