Black Hand

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"I've got an early Christmas gift for you." John said as he pulled out a smaller box from behind him as he walked into the room in which you sat.

It was a sunny Christmas Eve morning and not a single snowflake rested upon the English Countryside's green grasses. The sun shined even though the air was bitterly frigid leaving a layer of mist and fog atop the cold ground. The house was quiet and peaceful while your children were still in bed leaving the early morning hours for you and your husband, John Shelby to relax before the day truly began.

"I've told you not to get me anything! We promised we'd only get gifts for the kids!" You groaned eyeing the box John held out to you with his freckled hands.

"I don't care. Open it." John said as he smiled softly.

The box still laid in John's hands as you lifted the top of the box open, revealing a silver necklace with a small heart pendant that centered the chain. You felt your face light up the moment you saw it. Your cheeks flushed a dark red color as they always did when you became flustered. You looked up to see John smiling proudly.

"You like it, right?" John hesitantly asked, raising a brow.

"Yes of course I like it. I love it!" You said as you felt like your smile couldn't grow any wider.

John sighed heavily with relief, "Good because if you didn't you can blame it on Ada." He laughed, "Now come here!" John said giddily as he picked you up off the chair you were sitting in and spun you around the room.

You laughed as the room around you blended into one as John continued to twirl you around. John kept singing "Merry Christmas!", in different tones in between big belly laughs. You began to feel slightly dizzy so you asked him to set you down. It took awhile for him to comply but eventually, he did.

John put his hands on your shoulders and turned you so that your back was turned in opposition of his. He gently moved your hair to one side. Your back was then bare with nothing but gravity laying atop it.

"Stand still." John said lightly as you heard him open the box with the necklace inside.

You closed your eyes in anticipation. Your cheeks were sore from laughing just moments prior but that certainly didn't stop you from cracking another smile. You heard the necklace jingle behind you as John took it out of the box. Suddenly, you saw John's arms come around your head with the jewelry in his grasp. He gracefully put the necklace around your neck. The heart pendant rested at the center of your chest. He clasped the necklace at the back then kissed the top of your head.

"It's beautiful, John!" You said as you inspected your new gift.

You turned back around to face John. A smile was still stamped onto his lips. You cupped his cheeks quickly pulling him in for a kiss. John snaked his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. His lips were warm and soft as yours continued to move effortlessly with his. You pulled away, thanking him once more before sitting back down in your chair.

"Tea?" John asked as he slicked back his gelled hair.

You nodded your head in response. John walked out of the room towards the kitchen as you sat watching aimlessly out the window. As you waited you saw the postman's car drive up to your home. The man delivered what looked like quite a hefty amount of envelopes.

"John!" You yelled at a level where it wouldn't wake your children, "On your way back in here would you mind picking up the mail?"

"Yeah yeah" John said nonchalantly as if he hadn't listened to a word you'd just spoken.

You sat for a little while longer before John had come back in the room with two cups of tea and a handful of mail. John handed you your cup and sat down. He started shuffling through the envelopes when you watched his eyebrows rise as he pulled out one small slip from the stack. From a distance, you were able to make out the words, 'AIR MAIL' over a red and blue stripe that was placed on the corner of the envelope.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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