Ch. 1 "The beginning"

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Jayden POV

My name is Jayden and I'm a orphan, I am five years old and on my own, I escaped the HYDRA facility a few months ago,

I have been having to steal to survive, and sleep when I can where I can,

Running the streets having to survive, but I'm good at surviving, I am a survivor, I thought

Right now I'm currently running away from a store clerk who I just stole food from,

"Get the hell back here!" He yelled as he cased me,

"Your gonna have to catch me first old man!" I yelled back

I see a fence as I ran and smirked climbing the fence fast, landing on the other side and continued to run, I smirked knowing that I lost him,

I made it to the roof of a apartment building and sat down swinging my legs back and forth, eating the yummy cookies,

Tony POV

I sat at my dest looking at the adoption paper Me and Steve applied for,

'Denied' in red letters

I sighed putting my face in both hands, how are we going to adopt a freaking kid when every time they deny us, I thought

Steve sets down a Coffee in front of me,

"Maybe we can try another agency?" Steve said

"Yeah, well there isn't many left to try," I said taking as sip of the coffee,

"Don't give up hope Tony, I have a feeling we will get somewhere soon," He said

I just smiled at least one of us has hope, I thought

Jayden POV

After eating the food I decided I was going to scope out where to get my next meal, truth be told that was my first real food I had in a while so I'm still hungry, I thought

Then like some kind of sign I see the Avengers tower,

HYDRA always hated them, that they needed to be destroyed,

But as I read a few days ago, they went on a mission in Russia, so Avengers tower was right for the picking, just for food,

I don't steal what I don't need, I smirked knowing exactly what I'm going to do just to get past the reception desk,

I took out a pair of binoculars looking right into the kitchen then teleported, oh did I forget to mention I can teleport, but I have to see where I'm going,

I whispered word in the publics ear, and called myself Peekaboo,

I made my way to the fridge taking a few apples a cupcake, I stuffed the cupcake in my mouth,

"What are you doing in here?" I heard a voice

I turned around to see,

Captain America

Oh boy, I thought

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