chapter 2 real training begins

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The next few days. The 104th cadets gathered at the training arena for the ODM gear everyone past but Eren.

Combatant: Yeager! Stop messing around!

Eren was struggling to get back upright until Josh notices something wrong

Josh: excuse me sir?

Combatant: yes?

Josh: I think that he's using a broken belt.

The combatant ordered Eren to change belts and he had success in maintaining his balance. Everyone had begun their training and the combatant was evaulating them as the cadets take out the training dummies.

After training. Josh had a miss shot making him fall until Reiner and Bertholdt saved him from falling.

Reiner: that was too reckless, Josh.

Josh: thanks, guys.

Bertholdt: it's fine.

The three went back to the barracks.

At dinner.

Annie found Josh looking around for a seat to have dinner. She calls out to him and asks him to join her.

Josh: have you given some thought of being friends?

Annie: I'll be happy to be your friend, Josh.

The next day.

The cadets are put into groups of two to do hand to hand combat practice. Josh was going easy on a smaller girl name Christa Lenz

Josh: (scratches behind his head) I feel bad about this, Christa.

Christa: (smiles) don't worry about that, Josh

Josh: (thinking) she's so innocent and Beautiful.

Christa: Josh?

Josh: (Shakes his head) huh?

Christa: you looked a little lost for a minute there.

Before Josh could replied there was a group being formed nearby

Christa: what's going on over there?

Josh: don't know. Wanna find out?

Christa: sure.

The two joined the group only to find out that there was a fight was about to start between Annie and Mikasa

Josh: (pushes through) excuse me. Pardon me.

Jean: What are you doing, Josh?

He didn't hear Jean and stops two girls from fighting

Josh: Annie, Mikasa. Stop!

Mikasa: (points to Annie) she started it!

Annie: (angry) Me?! Eren was the one who started it!

Mikasa: If you have a problem with Eren. You have a problem with me.

Josh: (annoyed) Ok! Break it up. Mikasa, go to Eren. Annie, I'll talk to you later.

Both: Ok.

Then Josh walked back to the others who gave him surprising looks.

Josh: What?

Connie: why did you stop the fight?

Josh: i have my reasons.

Sasha: but why though

Josh: (folds his arms infront of him) I don't have to tell you if i don't want to.

Ymir: ok. Oh I've been meaning to ask you something, Josh.

Josh: what about? If it's about me harming Christa don't worry.

Ymir: that's good.

Josh: but if I did (raises his left hand) I. Joshua Erwin will hold responsible.

Christa: Josh! You don't have to.

Ymir: (to Christa) it's fine, Christa ( to Josh) how about we shake on it instead?

She offers her hand to shake with Josh.

Josh: ok.

They shake hands as a form of a promise


He goes to find Annie when she was practising her stance.

Josh: (to himself) I better come back when she's not busy.

Annie: (stops Josh from behind) going so soon?

Josh: (turning to her) I didn't want to interrupt you from your practice.

Annie: I've finished anyway.

Josh: have you calmed down?

Annie: yea. Hey can I ask you something

Josh: sure.

Annie: would you like to practice with me?

Josh: i don't see why not.

The two friends practiced and had a spar match between them. After their match, the two laid side by side looking at the dusk sky.

Annie: promise me that we'll be friends, Josh. No matter what.

Josh: (sits up) i promise but what do you mean by "no matter what"?

Annie: I have a secret to tell you but promise me that you won't tell anyone.

Josh: sure.

Annie goes to whispers her secret to Josh and he was quiet until

Josh: (shouts and birds flew out of the nearby trees) WHAT?!

Annie: (clearing her ear) ow, That was loud.

Josh: sorry. It's just that. Ah! I don't know what to say. But I'll keep your secret.

Annie: (kisses him on the cheek) thanks. Now let's head back before anyone notices

The two returned to the barracks and had dinner. On the way, Josh finds something on the ground.

Josh: (to himself) huh, Join the Tullamarine Republic army. Nice symbol.

He looks at the symbol resembles a dragon holding two swords criss-crossed

Annie: What do you have there?

Josh shows her a military notice that he found on the ground.

Annie: the Tullamarine Republic army? Never heard of it. Aren't you going to join the other three regiments?

Josh: don't know which regiment that i want to join yet.

Annie: ok.

Next chapter graduation

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