Part 1

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I hate working at this bar. The men are gross and it's way too common that I get followed home. Sure I break their noses when they try anything with me but it's still scary. I don't really have a choice though, girls don't get good jobs around here, they just get married, I'm 16 years old. After you turn 16 you're no longer eligible to live in the Orphanage, they were horrible people but at least I wasn't homeless. 

I live in the Kingdom of Day. Death camps for people who break the law or get to far back in debt. Workhouses are pretty bad too but at least they don't torture you there.

The Kingdom is run by Akeirie, humans aren't allowed in the cities. 

I walk up to the bar and grab a tray of drinks serving the men in the bar. I walk back behind the bar. The bar's front door opens and a super tall and muscular male walks in, he doesn't look quite human, with black hair down to his shoulders and a chiseling scar on the left of his face. You can't see his ears under the hair but I'm assuming they're pointed. He has forest green eyes and is wearing worn looking clothes and has a sword strapped to his back. 

People stare at him as he walks in. He sits at the bar. Akeirie are magical beings, they each possess different magic but they're generally quite powerful. They also live forever, you can't tell if they're 20 years old or if they're 2000 years old. They basically just stay at their prime body type for thousands of years, there's very few ones who actually look old.

It would be weird to live forever. 

He glances at me and I walk over to him and ask, "What would you like drink?"

"Your strongest vodka." He answers, his voice deep and rough. I grab an unopened bottle of vodka, the strongest we stock from the top shelf and grab a shot glass, "No, I want the bottle." He says before I pour it. 

I frown but pass it to him and he hands me enough money to pay for it. 

I shrug and put the money in the till. He chugs half the bottle without batting an eye. Men in the bar stare at him but soon go back to their own conversation. 

The mysterious man drinks the rest of the bottle and buys another. He doesn't look the least big drunk. I grab some beers and walk out from behind the bar. Putting them on a table. The man smiles at me with missing teeth. 

I smile awkwardly back. 

"Thanks for that Doll." He says staring at my breasts.

"Um no problem." I say walking away quickly.

Some of the men that go to this bar give me the creeps. I like being behind the bar. I'm relatively safe there from harassment. The huge muscular man stands up abruptly and strides across the room. Grabs the man I just served up of the ground by the throat. He did it so easily, but I guess those muscles aren't all for show.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" The guy who's being held of the ground by his throat yells.

"Teaching you a lesson." He growls punching him square in the face sending him flying into the wall. Everyone in the bar is silent. Something I've never seen people do in this bar is not get involved in the fight.

He walks out of the bar leaving everyone shocked and the man unconscious. My shift finishes soon after the incident. I walk outside wrapping my coat tightly around my body to fight off the cold wind. 

I arrive at my building where my apartment is. I notice the man standing across the street. He's staring directly at me, he walks over to me slowly and I don't move. 

"You live here?" He asks looking at the rundown building.

"Yeah..." I say, "I assume you're not from around here."

"No." he says rubbing his face which has some stubble on it, he probably hasn't shaved in a few days.   

"Why'd you punch that guy?" I ask.

He looks at me up and down, "I have my reasons."

"Where are you staying tonight?" I ask biting my lip. 

"Nowhere." He says, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

I swallow the lump in my throat and say, "I only have a pull out couch bed which I sleep on, but it's big enough for two people I guess."

He narrows his eyes at me and asks, "Why would you want a stranger you only just met and don't even know the name of in your house?"

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Damien." He responds.

"Well now I know your name do you want a place to stay?" I ask.

He nods and says, "Sure. Thank you." It seems like he struggled to say thank you but I don't mind.

He follows me up to my apartment, it doesn't really feel like I live her, it doesn't feel like a home, everything's neat and tidy and I have barely any belongings. He looks around. I pull out the bed from the couch and grab the blankets for it from the closet. I make the bed and say, "I don't really have any guy clothes you could use." I say looking at his ragged clothes.

"Don't worry about it." He says his voice low and rough.

"Alright then." I say, I get changed into my pyjamas and get into bed he pulls his shirt off and I notice the many, many scars on his back. He gets into the bed and faces the oposite way to me.

The Land of AngelsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя