CHAPTER.1 | The calm before the storm part 2

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The dead corpse of the tank engine was clean as the sunny day. Murder in only two days for the new tank engine. The calm was gone and was now replace by the raging storm. "He murdered that poor engine without any care in the world!" yell Brogan to the three other engines, Redstone just wanted to leave. "When can we leave? I just want to head back to my small shed than this dirty big place." Redstone begin to puff away and leaving the safe sheds.

Green was hurrying back with his coaches when all hell broke loose, he noticed the black tank engine following him and was catching up. "Oh no you don't!" Green yelled as he quickly switch track and speed up. Green soon reason the tanker in front of the black tank engine, was he trying too!?

Redstone puffed into some trucks in the way, blocking one part of the line. "Where did they come from!?" Redstone said out loud but he quickly reason the two engines heading towards the trucks. "LOOK OUT!" "OH CRAP!" Green quickly ran passed the trucks as the black tank engine crashed into the trucks, the tanker blew up. Green was thrown off the rails, everything fading to black..

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