CHAPTER.1 | The calm before the storm part 1

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Green puffed backwards on his way back to the main station where he and his fellow E2 brothers live. He loved the valley, the flowers, the smooth rails and the quiet wind as he continue on his way. Out of the blue Green was switch to another line and just stopped right in front of the buffers as a black tank engine with the nameplate Gabriel speed passed on the line Green was about to puff through. "What the heck!? Why would somebody almost crash into me!?" Green panicked, the guard hopping out and checking the passengers to see if anybody was hurt. Lucky nobody was hurt but just more in shock from the unexpectedly stop.

Later in the day Green slowly puffed into the sheds where Letz was, he was a light black E2 with a old look to him. "You alright Green? I heard what happened early." "My back buffers ache like hell from that" Green said with added sigh. "who was he anyway?" "A new engine, Gabriel, the rudest one that any engine has ever seen" Letz said with a tone that made Green fear for his life for about a few seconds. "Don't worry Green, you'll be fine and I'll will be having a word with him later." The shed when quiet for a few minutes. Brogan puffed in. "hurry up you guys, we have work to do!" "We'll coming Brogan." Green yelled.

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