Teddy Duchamp

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Teddy POV 

I am standing guard whilst we were looking for Ray Brower's body. You see me, Chris, Gordie , Vern and y/n had gone to find his body so we could be hero's and be known. So we have stopped for the night cause we got tired but then we heard Coyotes. So we are taking turns standing guard. 


I started to stir awake from my sleep. I see Teddy still standing guard near the tree so I went over to talk to him. He looked lost in thought so I sat down next to him by the tree . 

"Hi Ted." I started up the conversation 

"Oh Hi y/n , what are you doing up?" He asked 

"I Don't Know just can't sleep also I cannot believe we are doing this , what we're you thinking about?" I replied 

"Just life I'm so sick of my dad treating me like I'm a pussy all the time. He thinks I can't handle myself it like I try so hard and he doesn't care." He said his breathe starting to hitch and then he broke down into tears. He leaned into my shoulder and let himself go completely. 

"Hey hey it's gonna be okay Just let it all out." I spoke softly he looked up at me and into my eyes for a few seconds and then smashed his lips onto mine I was taken a back at first but the relaxed into the kiss. We kissed for a few more seconds before I spoke up. 

"I mean I liked that but why did you do it?" I asked 

"Well I don't really know myself but I feel like I'm only really comfortable when your around and you make me feel loved so would you like to be my girlfriend?" He responded 

"I would love to!"I kinda yelled and straddled his waste and kissed him again. That also turned into a make out session it lasted for around about 25 minutes before we broke away from each other. 

"That felt amazing." He said a smirk appeared on his face and I giggled. 

"Can you guys stop it anyway it's my time to stand guard." Chris spoke approaching us and then broke out into laughter. 

I blushed and said goodnight to teddy and he said goodnight to me. Then winked at me and we both went to our sleeping bags. 

"Goodnight lovebirds!"Chris yelled 

(A/n please comment and request also it would really make my day if you would vote on my imagines please.)

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