𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕁𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟

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Honestly I was bullied into liking Snape. I didn't like him at all when I first read the books, and then when I entered the fandom, everyone was all like  "ALWAYS" and "YOU DON'T LIKE SNAPE? ARE YOU KIDDING HE'S AMAZING" and I just kind of went with the peer pressure.

It wasn't until I began reading Jily that I realised how much of a shitcase Snape really is.


So James haters have one main reason for hating him: hE wAs a bUlLy 

Let me tell you this.

Snape was the bully. 

Yes, I agree in his earlier years James Potter was a bully and (as Lily eloquently phrased it) "an arrogant toe-rag".

But he matured. You said it yourself. He was a bully.

And he didn't just mature for Lily mind you, we know that James was an idiot until 5th year, then he matured. You know what else happened at that time?
Sirius ran away from his home. 

So James didn't just mature for Lily, he matured because his best friend, his brother was in need of some love, and an immature 15 year old couldn't fulfill that.

He matured so that he could go from being Sirius' best friend to being Sirius' brother.

Also, I don't see James bullying little kids just because he was obsessed with some girl.

It's canon that Snape cursed Mary MacDonald, a muggle born, and then had the AUDACITY  to compare it to the marauders pranks.
It is also canon that he bullies Neville, Hermione and Harry.
It is also canon that he shows blatant favoritism to Slytherin.

He bullied Mary and Lily because he wanted to appear cool to his friends, and join Voldemort.

He bullied Neville because he wished Egg For a Head had picked the Longbottoms instead of the Potters so that Lily would still be alive, and more majorly so that he wouldn't feel any guilt for her death. He canonically threatened to poison Trevor. HE BECAME NEVILLE'S WORST FEAR, A BOY WHOSE FAMILY HAD BEEN TORTURED, HIS WORST FEAR! (don't even get me started on why Hogwarts should have a therapist)

He bullied Hermione because she reminded him of Lily. She was a smart muggleborn, and that brought back too much. He made bullying her okay, by dismissing the fact that Draco had enlarged her teeth ("I see no difference") enough for her to get them permanently altered. He insulted her for being smart ("insufferable know-it-all") and knowing the answer EVEN THOUGH HE ASKED THE QUESTION! Had she not answered, he would have docked points.

He bullied Harry because he was a living proof Lily chose James, he had her eyes and his face. He hated him for that. And poor Harry, who had already been abused enough because of who his parents were thanks to his own family (the Dursleys), had to endure more insults from some 31 year old slime ball. 

Also, we tend to downplay the term "Mudblood" because when we see the books, they're in the middle of a war and that word is going around.
But remember Ron and Hagrid's reaction when Draco first called Hermione that? remember James and Lily's fury when Snape called her that? It's clearly not just an insult.
It is a racial slur, and we all know how horrible those are. He should NOT get forgiven for that.

He did all that, and yet we all forgave him. why? because we saw clearly biased memories (if we look closer to them we'll see what level of asshole Snape really was), "aLwAyS" and "yOu hAvE yOuR mOtHeR's eYeS"

Honestly he was obsessed with the woman! His "always" was in reference to him having a Doe Patronus like Lily. (we all know James has a stag.)

So: Doe and Stag
They're compatible. It's meant to be. They compliment each other, yet they aren't the same. They are like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together to make a bigger picture.
It's love

Doe and Doe
They clearly aren't compatible, had Snape loved Lily for Lily, he'd have had a stag like James. But he loved Lily as an object, so he changed to resemble her. Now continuing the puzzle metaphor, two same pieces obviously won't fit.
It's an unhealthy obsession.

Oh, and remember that one time in the movies Snape went to the Potters house and hugged a dead fucking body like necromania much hon? NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT A FUCKING ORPHANED CHILD WHO HAD LITERALLY JUST WATCHED HIS MOTHER DIE WAS LYING IN A COT CRYINE RIGHT NEXT TO HIM AND HE FUCKING IGNORED HIM? WTF BITCH?
And then of course he bullied said child for his life, and legit 5 minutes changes that, I don't get y'all

honestly I really don't understand why some people love him so much?!
He's a bully, he's a racist, he's a necromaniac (this ones a joke lol), he is insensitive, he's abusive, he's all in all a terrible human being

That, and he's allergic to shampoo mind you.

I honestly don't get why Harry named his kid Albus Severus honestly he was just asking for it, (Don't even get me started on Dumbledore, that shit- I said calmly)

Anywho, see y'all next time
Ana <3

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