Welcome to the Begining

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-"Please take me back to Tokyo!"- I said

-"Look, all be back in a few months, ok?-"
That's what my aunt said, but she didn't understand why I don't want to stay in this place.

My life is hopeless. I have no friends, my enemies always follow me,... Is there any reason to stay in this places? The answer is no and it remains like that. Why she wants me in America so badly? Why can't she listen?
-"Please just listen-"
-"No more Sakura!"-she said
-"Look, you know why you can't go back to Tokyo"-
-"But is just that... hah... yes aunt Yuuki"-I said.

Don't you just hate it when your guardian tells you to do something you don't want to do. Even though it's for your own good. Every time she goes back to Japan she leaves me with my uncle Makoto. A man that lost his job and he's too drunk and lazy to do anything. I'll never understand her.

This is all Kaede's fault!

Why did he told me about that fake story about my parents. I believed him. And now my friends are in the other side of the world and I'm going to end up alone. Looks like my conscious was right, he did had a dark soul. No wonder they killed him back in 1965. Thanks to him my life is now lonely, cold and useless! I wish I was dead right now, maybe everybody can have a better life without me. Maybe my parents will still be here. Maybe ... just maybe... can everybody have what they want.

I go back to my room, close the door shut and cried on the floor. Remembering everything that happened on that very day.

It was summer. I was five years old. I went to the graveyard to see my old pal Kaede. He always told me stories about the past. Give me good advice, looking over me. I always call him Oni-chan(big brother). But one day, Oni-chan, told me a story about two serial killers that killed their children for fun and their very own. He gave me a description of them and... He said that they were my parents. I was so freaked out. So he told me that in his old room back in the abandoned house across the street, that he had a gun there that will kill them both. So at night I went to the abandoned house and got the gun. I went to my mom and dad's room and then... and then... I shot them both while they were sleeping. Kaede heard that gunshot. When he went up it was too late. He was so frightened.
-"What the hell you did?!"-he said.
-"What is it?"- I said.
-"They're not the serial killers. I made that up!"-he said.
-"Wait, what?!"-

I kept crying. I wanted to kill him so badly, but I just remembered that he was already dead. One of my neighbors heard the gunshot. He came bursting threw the door. And when he saw my parents dead, he called the police and asked me what happened. I told him that:
-"I killed them"-

But, since he knows about my "talent". He decides to keep it a secret from everybody else to keep me safe. My tears were still dripping down my face that day. Just like right now.

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