II - Crazy Times Upon Us

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Hope and Arman finally come back from fishing and see the Azzaths scattered on the campsite floor.
"Eugh, what the hell happened?", Hope asks.
"Looks like some kind of scattered demons...", Arman responds.
They meet up with Danny and Noah.
"Hey guys!", Noah says to the two coming back with backpacks full of fish.
"Wow, you guys have blood all over you.", Hope says to Noah and Danny
"Yeah, we fought against Azzaths.", Danny says to Hope.
Now that the gang is reunited, they sleep in peace.

5:32 AM, June 22nd

Arman and Noah wake up.
Arman checks his smartwatch for the time.
"Wow, we woke up really early!", Arman says, surprised.
"What time is it again?", Noah asks.
"It's 5:32 AM!", Arman responds.
"Should we wake up the others?", Noah asks again.
"Alright.", Arman responds once again.

They wake up the others.
After Noah and Arman wake up Danny and Hope, they do the usual, they make breakfast!

"So uhhh, what do you guys want for breakfast?", Arman asks.

(Note: They rotate every morning, so this time it was Arman cooking, next it will be Danny, and then Hope, and then Noah, and then vice versa)

"I think we should have sandwiches, we have bread, cheese and ham", Hope says.
"You got any nuttela? I want some pancakes.", Danny asks.
"I agree with Holly.", Noah responds

"Pancakes win, sorry Hope.", Arman says, as he is making pancakes.

5 minutes later...

Arman, Noah, Danny and Hope are eating pancakes and talking about the Azzaths and they fantasize about the world ending due to demonic creatures opening a portal between Hell and Earth

"That would actually make sense if there are demonic creatures here.", Noah says.

"Oh shit, yeah...", Hope responds.
"Anyways... Anyone wanna go hunting for more Azzaths?", Noah asks.
"Hell yuh!", Danny responds
"We aren't really looking for trouble to deal with, yet.", Arman and Hope respond together.

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