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the sun peeked through the pale blue curtains, its rays creating vertical lines on shun's wall. the boys' alarm has yet to go off, but shun woke up anyways.

yesterday was fun. maybe i can get saiki to sit with me on the rooftop?

shun stretches his arm muscles to get rid of any lingering soreness.

would he even accept the request?

kaidou lays on his carpet and does his morning leg stretches before heading down and eating his breakfast.

this whole week feels like some sort of dream. like i have this incessant need to just hang around saiki more often then usual. is it emotional attachment from when he helped me? or is it something else?

shun takes a bite out of his toast as he listens to his younger brother, toki, talk his ear off about the latest release on some soda superhero. their mother then scolds them for not finishing their food earlier as they both have to get to school.

i'm probably making a big deal out of nothing. 

kaidou heads back up to his room and takes off his pajamas, buttoning up his uniform and slipping on his shoes when he reaches the front door.

"bye momma! i'm taking toki to school!"

"what did i say about yelling in the house?"

"not to do it..."

"as long as you understand you may go, and no dillydallying on your way to school alright shun? love you and watch out for your brother."

"love you too."

with the time barely being 7:22 a.m., shun took his younger brother's hand in his and left the kaidou residence, toki ecstatic about his older brother taking him to school.

i always make a big deal out of nothing.

- - - -

shun gives toki a hug and waves goodbye before heading off to the direction of his old school, promising his younger brother to pick him up when the day ends. shun tightens his hold on his bag, readjusting it on his shoulder. he pulls out his phone and scrolls through his playlists, picking his 'liked songs' playlist, putting his earbuds in while 'stay with me' by miki matsubara plays on shuffle.

people crowd together on the sidewalk, cars and bikes whizzing past. kaidou turns up the volume on his phone to block out the loud sounds. kaidou keeps his eyes ahead, looking out for cars when crossing the street, even with this big of a crowd.

why is it so crowded anyway? it's barely seven fifty, it's not even eight yet! wait, since it's so early, i can just get a small snack from that gas station.

kaidou once again looks before crossing and walks into the small store. he picks out an onigiri and one coffee jelly for saiki.

should i even get this?

kaidou stares at the substance with a look on his face, getting a weird look in return from the cashier.

i mean this would be the fourth one i bought for him in just two days... but the look on his face is always so worth it. maybe i shouldn't.

"sir are you ready to pay?"

kaidou walks out with onigiri and coffee jelly in his hands.

- - - -

"wow i barely made it." kaidou sighs in relief.

"oi chibi! where were you this morning?"

"why should i tell you ramen for brains?"

stressed。saikou Where stories live. Discover now