Chapter 16 - Mr. Holmes

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“I woke up and heard somebody talking, and then I saw you up here Henry,” Sam explained and then looked up at Mr. Holmes with a curious look. “Who’s he?”

“Sam, this is Mr. Holmes,” Henry said recovering and clearing his throat.

“You must be a good flyer, to have come all the way out here,” Mr. Holmes said encouraging.

Sam grinned at him. “Mum says I’m getting better everyday. She says I’m soon going to be faster than Peter.”

“Of course you are,” Henry said “I say you’re faster than him already.”

“Yeah, but I’m never going to be as fast as Clare!”

“Sure you will,” Henry said and smiled. There was a short silence then Sam asked.

“Do you live here Mr. Holmes?”

“Yes, and no,” he said with a sigh. Henry looked up at the owl.

“What do you mean?” Sam asked softly.

Mr. Holmes looked at him. “There are times when I stay elsewhere,” he said.

“Like the woods?” Sam’s eyes glistened.  The owl nodded.

“We’re going to the woods,” the dove said.

“You’re going to like it there,” Mr. Holmes assured.

Sam nodded. “I bet,” he said and then added, “but I like it here as well.”

Mr. Holmes looked around. “You’re right, it’s a nice barn.”

Sam thought and then said carefully. “Mr. Holmes, would you mind not eating our friend Hubert while you’re here.”

Mr. Holmes chuckled. “Of course. I’m not really sure any owl would want to eat such a rat, with the racket he causes.”

“He’s nice,” Sam said seriously. Mr. Holmes stopped laughing.

“I’m sure he is,“ he said.

“So will you promise?” Sam asked.

Mr. Holmes looked down at the dove with his round eyes and nodded with a serious expression. Sam smiled.

“There are quite a few mice and rats around here,” Henry said. Mr. Holmes took his gaze from the dove to look at the owl.

“Oh yes, they come here in the winter to escape the cold. There’s food around here for them, and so for me too.” Mr. Holmes said. “I’m sure your small friend can find company here.”

Henry and Sam exchanged a glance. They both knew how the other rats in the city had treated Hubert. He wasn’t the friend seeking type.

Mr. Holmes looked amused. “I see,” he said.

Henry yawned. “Well, I’m off to sleep,” he said. He lifted his wings before adding, “You better get some sleep too Sam, I know your mother won’t be pleased if you’re tired tomorrow.”

“Soon, I’m going to talk to Mr. Holmes some more.”

Henry nodded and flew down to settle in the hay. He fell asleep instantly.

Mr. Holmes wondered if Sam minded going outside. Sam said he’d love to.  The owl and the dove stood outside the large barn doors looking up at the stars in the sky. There was a soft wind that blew over the fields, rustling the leaves in trees close by.  Crickets sounded in the grass around them, the night air was stiff and fresh. There were no clouds in the sky, the moon stood high and the stars glistened brightly above them. Mr. Holmes looked from left to right staring into the sky with an unreadable expression. Sam studied the owl, thinking.

“How old are you Mr. Holmes?” The dove asked. Sam knew this was a rude question, but he also knew that Mr. Holmes wouldn’t mind.

“I’m very old,” the owl answered not removing his glance from the sky.

Sam tilted his head and looked up at the stars. “Dad says the stars are tons of tiny seeds that shimmer in the sky, he says they’re the best tasting seeds in the world.”

Mr. Holmes looked at the dove. “They are beautiful and I’m sure they’d taste marvellous,” he said and smiled. “What a shame that I don’t eat seeds.”

Sam giggled. “You’re funny.”

“I know,” Mr. Holmes agreed.

“You know everything,” Sam said looking at the owl.

The owl smiled, “I’m wise.”

“You’re wise and old.” Sam stated.

Mr. Holmes’s expression changed, he raised his eyebrows. “Would that be right?”

“Yep!” Sam said and grinned. “You didn’t know that did you?”

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