Aaron smirked at you as his thoughts wandered, "So, princess" he paused and you giggled at the nickname that you loved so dearly. "What were you like in high school?" he laughed at his own question, trying to egg something out of you about your life before the BAU that you never really shared with anyone besides Emily.

"What was your schtick? where was your secret hook up spot?" you gasped at his question before he continued, "And don't say you didn't have one because everyone had one."

You were hesitant to answer the question for fear that he would ask about your family. "Abandoned church parking lots in the back of my car" you squeaked out very quietly. you looked at him as a surprising face flew over his and he laughed at you.

"I'm sorry did I hear that right?" he paused out of shock, "Abandoned parking lots of churches? Excuse me?!?" he was laughing again and his eyes were back on the road.

You nodded at him hiding your face in your hands. "What?" you giggled out. "I mean" you kind of just looked at him laughing and shrugged your shoulders.

"I had a nice car and I got my driver's license earlier than everyone else. It also didn't help that I liked the guys who were old enough to drive me around," you said to him as his face lit up with shock

"Hey, don't forget I grew up around here, I'll force you to come with me to the church... maybe you'll get possessed." you taunted. You made it seem like taking him to the parking lot of the christ congregational that you swore was haunted was the worst thing in this whole world.

"Fine Mr.Perfect, what was yours? Huh? I wanna know." you nudged his shoulder.

Laughter filled the car, it was comforting and wholesome. You wanted to bask in the lightness forever, but it didn't last long.

"Jason Reynolds," was all he said as he paused for a second, "His parents had a mansion, like a massive house, giant lawyers who owned their own firms." and a panic flew over you, just the mention of that brought hell to your mind.

You tried to hide it so you could hear his story, "Every month his parents would leave for what they called 'lawyer days' which in reality was just an excuse for them to get away from their kids." He laughed at his own words while you just sat there. Some of the things he said were all too familiar.

"When those came around he would throw massive ragers at his house. Let me tell you." he paused looking over at you, you cracked a smile to try and ease yourself, "that basement bedroom has a lot of silly, and one might say drunk, memories in it."

"Okay party boy." was all you said to his story and messed up his hair with your hand. You giggled a little at the new nickname you gave him.

The car came to a halt and you looked outside your window, you were parked in front of your house. A reign of disappointment spilled over your body. You had kind of expected to go back to Aaron's house for some reason.

It's not that you expected a round two from him when you got to his house but for once that warm feeling in your chest overrode the knife in your stomach that told you to run. You finally felt like you could ignore that knife feeling.

But that was the name of your game, keep it hidden behind closed doors. No more than friends with benefits.

"Hey uh," Aaron paused to think before he spoke "Do you, um" he paused again and you interrupted him. "Thank you for the ride home, that was fun," you said, giving him a slight smile. "I liked hearing about party boy Aaron." you smiled a bit bigger keeping the conversation light. You interrupted him so he couldn't ask you any more questions about yourself

You opened the door to the car to get out. "I'll see you Monday I guess," you said. there was an awkward silence that was never there before. "Yeah, i- um, I'll see you Monday." he smiled back at you and you closed the car door behind you.

As you walked up the front entrance stone that leads to your door, you heard a window roll down, but you kept walking.

"Ya know, you never answered my question," he said out the window and you turned around.

You smiled at him, "oh yeah? And what question was that?" you shouted across the lawn to him.

"What were you like in high school? I feel like I know nothing about you, princess." he stuck his head and arm out the window, and his smile was gleaming from ear to ear.

"I guess that's just a story for another time, party boy," you said smiling big and making sure to make his nickname stick. You turned around and walked into your house. That was how you ended your night with Aaron.

But right as you closed the door behind you, that feeling in your chest returned. It was a warming feeling that spread all throughout your body, and you just couldn't help but smile. But this feeling was something that you knew you shouldn't have.


2366 words

I smell feelings

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