Seventeen: SUZY

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"And your uncle Jisung, but he's away at a trade show in Gwangju," Aunt Lia said. "Happy Birthday, Suzy, we're so happy to meet you."

I widened my eyes at Joohyuk. Not the birthday thing again.

"How did you like Jeju Water?" she asked, leading us into the house.

"Oh it was amazing." I stopped immediately after crossing the threshold. Joohyuk was right. If I'd thought the log cabin was impressive from the outside, it was nothing compared to the inside. My jaw dropped again as I took in the high ceiling of the great room. The first floor was one big open space from the sitting area near the fireplace to the kitchen. The kitchen was separated from the great room by a long counter, with stools for seating. One wall was completely floor-to-ceiling windows. The view of the hills and the sky was breathtaking.

"Why don't you show Suzy to her room, Yeji," Aunt Lia said.

Yeji still had my bag slung over her shoulder. She waved for me to follow her down a long hall. If I had to guess I would have pegged her for fourteen or fifteen, but she was a good inch taller than me.

"Here it is," she said, opening the door to a room that was twice the size of mine at home. Even though it was big, the dark wooden walls made it feel cozy. There was a large window that opened up to the same view as the great room. A wardrobe was on the far wall, and the bed frame was made from tree branches, the headboard a tangle of branches and vines, with a white gauzy dust ruffle. Yeji tossed my bag on the bed, then sat beside it and proceeded to stare at me.

"How long have you and Joohyuk been together?" she asked.

"Oh, we're not together, like that anyway - just friends."

"Too bad, you seem really cool and super pretty."

I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling on a tuft behind my ear out of nervous habit. A flurry of clicking and panting rushed behind me as Snow raced across the wooden floor and leapt up onto the bed next to Yeji.


A knock on the door made us both turn.

"Yeji, your mom wants you," Joohyuk said.

"Later," she said. With Snow still in her arms, Yeji skated in her socks across the floor and out of the room.

"Sorry if she was bothering you," Joohyuk said. He stood there, hands in hoodie pockets, his hair sticking up in a charming way.

"No, not at all, I'm fine - just, you know, tired I guess," I said. "I just want to maybe change or something, or check in with eomma."

"Cool. I'm bunking with Hyunjin if you need me for anything. Hey, you know how to play Spoons?"

"Um, what?" I tilted my head.

"The card game? Like Crazy Eights?"

I shook my head.

"I'll teach you." He smiled as he shut the door. I collapsed onto the bed, half expecting woodland creatures to appear and tuck me in. Could the place be any more enchanting? Before the trip was over, I had the feeling I could what it felt like to kiss Nam Joohyuk. Breathe, Suzy.

✿ Secrets of Attraction ✿

Dinner was a continuation of the complete and utter amazingness that had been my birth - um, special day. We made our own pizzas from scratch - well, the dough had been prepared beforehand, but Aunt Lia had put out all different ingredients in small bowls around the countertop. Hyunjin had so much pepperoni on his pizza it look like shingles on a roof; both Aunt Lia and Yeji made regular cheese and tomato sauce pies; I tried my hand at a margherita with fresh mozzarella and basil; and Jjwogi surprised the heck out of me by making a Hawaiian, with pineapples and ham and cheese.

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