Sixteen: JOOHYUK

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The last time I'd woken up wicked early on a Saturday was my first year in basketball. I can still remember my parents mumbling across the field with their cups of coffees, cheering me on as I tried my hardest to stay away from the ball. While there was more to my demise in sports than getting up early, it never meant anything goof. This was different, though.

It was the Saturday to end all Saturdays.

The Saturday I'd spend with Bae Suzy.

After a quick pit stop at Soop to get provisions for our ride, I drove to Suzy's. All a part of my grand non-birthday plan that I'd come up with the night after we played at 2STO. I had wanted to surprise her, like really surprise her, but not in the I-hate-to-be-the-center-of-attention way again. It had to be unexpected. Impressive enough to make her eyes light up the way they did when she spoke about art or going to design camp. That's when I thought of Jeju Waters, how stoked she'd been about the Yoo Jaesoon project she was working on the day she showed me the logos.

Perfect except for the endless travel things that made it next to impossible for a day trip. Enter Aunt Lia, more persuading than I'd done in Debate 101, and finally a birthday overnighter that I knew (or at least hoped) would rock her world.

Suzy was sitting on her front porch, duffel bag at her feet. The moment I saw her, my mind went into panic mode - what if this was an idiotic idea? What if we had nothing to talk about for the three hour travel? There was no turning back, and I kind of dug it. We were in this together. I put the car in park, grabbed her drink, and climbed up the steps to meet her.

"I only get up this early for Yoo Jaesoon." She stood and swatted the back of her pants.

"Am I allowed to say happy birthday?" I handed her a hot chocolate I'd picked up at Soop and hoisted her bag over my shoulder.

She brought the cup to her face, peeking into the spout

"Okay I lied, getting up early for your hot chocolate works too." She closed her eyes and took a sip. "Mmm."

Ms. Bae stepped out onto the porch, opening her arms wide to Suzy. "Give me a hug, birthday girl."

Suzy opened her arms awkwardly, holding up her cup and raising her chin over her mom's shoulder, laughing. When they parted, Ms. Bae looked at me.

"You don't text and drive, do you?"

"No, ma'am."


"Eomma, come on."

"Nope, the rental car won't be going over sixty-five, so no worries."

Suzy laughed.

"You have cash on you? Your phone is charged?"

"Yes and yes, eomma. And we'll make stops and eat when we're hungry. No worries. Thanks for letting me go. I don't know any yoga slang, but, um, bliss out today at training." Suzy hugged her again.

"At least text me at some point today, okay? Or leave a voicemail, let me know you got there in one piece."

"Will do." Suzy gave her a kiss on the cheek, then grabbed my arm.

"Let's go before she changes her mind," she whispered.

I tossed her bag into the back seat, and opened the passenger-side door. I remembered what she said about Jisoo having a shitty ride and braced myself for her assessment of the drive. It wasn't much, I knew that, but it got me from point A to point B without any trouble. I slid into the driver's seat and made sure I had the right address to the airport.

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