《Chapter Six》

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。。。。《12 : 23 PM - Luna's POV》。。。。


"Do you happen to know about anything about a... harvest?" Krone asked, instantly narrowing her eyes onto mine with a grin.

... shit.


"Dunno, try asking Mama about harvests, she knows more about food than me." I said, shrugging Krone's glare off of me.

gotta be careful here, wouldn't want myself to become dead meat, BOTH FIGURATIVELY AND PHYSICALLY-

"Oh? Is that so?" Krone asked again, still not satisfied with my short answer. 

"Listen, Sister Krone, I'm not a very good cook myself, hell, one time I almost burned down the house trying to cook eggs!" I mentioned.


。。。。《FLASH BACK - 03/02/2044 : Luna's POV》。。。。


"Alright, Luna, you know what we're going to do today?" Mama asked me. I looked back at her with confusion as she continued to lead me to the kitchen.

"Uhhh, are we going to have a knife duel??" I guessed.

"Sweetie, we went over this, no fighting with knives around the house!" Mama reminded me. 

"You never said we couldn't fight with knives OUTSIDE the house-" Before I could continue speaking, I was then faced with a glare from the tall woman, shutting me up instantly.

"That's what I thought. Now then, what we're REALLY going to do today is going to be me teaching you how to cook eggs!" Mama said cheerfully.

Big mistake, Mama.

"Mama, you do know that I'm horrible at listening AND following instructions, right?" I reminded her. 

"Don't worry, Luna! We all need to at least learn how to cook eggs, now that we're all 10!" Emma popped out of no where. 

"You say that as if YOU know how to cook eggs, oh right, YOU cooked a burnt egg, last time I checked." I rolled my eyes, flicking Emma on her forehead afterwards.

"IT WASN'T THAT BAD!!" Emma pouted. 

"Ray said you're an idiot, pretty much everything that idiot says is correct." I said, punching Emma on the shoulder. 

"Alright Luna, that's enough teasing for today, you should go start cooking with Mama now.." Norman suggested, soon taking ahold of Emma's hand and walking away from me.

Smooth move, Crescent head, smooth move..

I let out a sigh of disappointment and walked over to the kitchen, with Mama giving me a warm smile as she waited for me there.

"So? How do we cook unborn chicks?" I asked Mama, which she didn't seem to comply with. 

《𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐝 日食》・『❈TPN x OC❈』Where stories live. Discover now