The Tennis Captain

Start from the beginning

Nothing happened for Ryuko to hit her uniform, "Hey lets get to it Senketsu! What's wrong with you?!" (Y/N) stood up, "You may want to stop sounding like a crazy person." As Ryuko battled with her uniform to start working a barrage of tennis balls came their way. Senketsu was not working, so (Y/N) got in front of Ryuko for him to take the blow as he was pushed back into Ryuko. They both were pushed off of school grounds and into the moat that surrounded the school. The two used Ryuko's case to stay afloat as the current dragged them further into what seemed like the sewers. They met a dead end for their homeroom teacher to find them. Meanwhile in class Mako set a little disk on (Y/N)'s seat, 'Let's see. He said to press the button in the middle whenever he can't make it to class.' She pressed the button for a hologram of (Y/N) to appear in the seat as it did not move. 

Some time later (Y/N) woke up to find himself in a very small room. He then saw Ryuko standing in the middle of the room with only blanket covering her body, as she had three needles in her back keeping her in place. In front of her he saw their homeroom teacher with his shirt unbuttoned, "It's a uniform made by your father, Isshin Matoi; whose power surpasses that of a goku uniform. Only someone who can-" (Y/N) then punched him sending him across the room making Ryuko scream at (Y/N), "What are you doing?!" (Y/N) looked at her, "Was this not what I thought it was?" "What did you think it was?!" "Well your naked, teach seemed like he was getting undressed, your paralyzed." Their homeroom teacher stood up, "Sorry that you had to wake up at a scene like that. I can understand your confusion."

(Y/N) looked between the two, "What's going on?" The teacher answered his questions, "I saved you two from the sewers and brought you here for safety. I was simply answering any questions Mrs. Ryuko had about Senketsu." "Oh. Well why is she naked?" "Well I had to strip you both down other wise you both would of gotten sick. Your clothes are drying." "Both of us?" (Y/N) then looked down to see that he was in the same predicament. He looked up to see Ryuko quickly loo from down to up, so he grabbed a blanket and wrapped himself with it. The teacher looked at Ryuko, "As I was saying only someone who can master that uniform can beat Satsuki." Ryuko gave a deadpanned look, "Who are you?" "Prove to me that you are someone who deserves an answer." "Come again?" "The first thing in order is Omiko, Hakodate. If you can't master this Kamui and defeat her, you don't stand a chance against Satsuki."

As he talked Ryuko's blanket started to go down and come off of Ryuko making her sweat as she could only move her head. She was saved from her body being exposed to the world by (Y/N) bringing her blanket up and taking the mall needles out of her back, allowing her to move. A large siren then went off for the teacher to all of a sudden be dressed in his normal clothes, "You two need to hurry up and get to class. The two got dressed for the teacher to hand Ryuko a glove, "Use this Seki Tekko from now on. It will be easier to give Senketsu." Ryuko took it for her to look at (Y/N). Her eyes then widened to look back at the teacher, "Oh yeah! Why can he see and hear Senketsu?!" The teacher raised an eyebrow, "Huh? Has he worn him?" (Y/N) shook his head for the teacher to scratch his head, "Hmm, come back with Ryuko after she wins. I think I may know why." 

Meanwhile at school Mako was tied to a pole as many tennis club members began hitting tennis balls towards her. But the robot on her waist kept blocking them with electricity and shooting them away, "Why can't we hit her?!" Before anyone could send another ball Ryuko appeared for (Y/N) to begin untying Mako. The club captain walked up to face Ryuko, "So, come for another beating." Ryuko pointed at her, "This time I'm gonna knock you all on your asses! Let's go Senketsu!" Senketsu then came to life making Ryuko look the way she did before. Omiko frowned that looks both painful and embarrassing you masochist exhibitionist." "Screw you I'm not an exhibitionist!" "Quit splitting hairs! 110 million serves!" The captain and a few members then served sending a bunch of tennis balls Ryuko's way. But she cut them all with ease, for one of the council students to smirk, "Fault! You're disqualified transfer student!"

Ryuko looked confused, "What?" The council student eased her confusion, "Sure you evaded the large attack. But slicing the balls in half is against the rules in a match. In other words you've won the fight, but lost the match." (Y/N) walked up next to her, "We're standing on tennis court. So you have to play by tennis rules. So now you have to win by using the tennis rules." "What?! Why is he making things up now?! What about yesterday?!" Mako appeared on Ryuko's other side, "Eh don't worry about it. I'm sure you would beat her in an actual tennis match." Omiko gained an evil smile as he put her large tennis racket over her shoulder, "Are you challenging me, the Tennis Club Captain Omiko Hakodate, to a tennis match?"

Mako handed Ryuko a tennis racket, "You can do it Ryuko." Ryuko took the racket, "All right, all right. Let's do this!" Everyone cleared out for one tennis club member to be on the same side of the court of Omiko. Ryuko pointed at her, "Why is she still on the court?!" Omiko put her hands on her hips, "An average match is 2 vs 2. Too bad you don't have a partner." As (Y/N) was walking Mako grabbed his arm to drag him to the court and handed him a racket, "Ryuko needs you. Good luck." Mako then sat with the audience for the student council, who was the referee, spoke, "There are no special rules! Who is serving first?!" Omiko stretched, "They're both rookies. I'll let them serve first." (Y/N) waved his hands in the air, "Hold on!" The referee looked at him, "What?" "This is unfair!" "How?!" Ryuko has some kind of special uniform, that crazy blonde has a two star, even her partner has a one star! I've got nothing!" "That doesn't matter!" 

Ryuko pointed at the referee, "You talked all about rules and being fair! Give him a uniform!" Omiko scratched her neck, "Just give him a one star uniform." (Y/N) was given a uniform for Ryuko to begin bouncing the ball, "You ready (Y/N)?" (Y/N) shook his head, "No." Ryuko then served sending the ball to the other side of the court.

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