the break up

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what is wrong with her- i mean the nerve of this girl, to fall asleep ok mattheo, like cmon now.

"hey enzo can i talk to you"

"yeah, what's up baby"

"this is going to be hard but, i think we should break up"

"ugh, finally i've been waiting for you to do that, i mean i was cheating on you the whole time."

"what the fuck is wrong with you"

"what's wrong with, what's wrong with you, your throwing like what 2 years away"

"2 years that i wasn't even happy"

"wow, fuck you"

"go fuck your self lorenzo"



well that's over. who knew he could be such a dick. i wish i would've done that sooner. ugh i hate him. i hope he rots in hell.
i walk into the great hall and go and sit at the slytherin table.

"what we're you and lorenzo doing, i bet they were fucking"

"shut your damn mouth draco, i broke up with him actually"


all i do is just smile at him. i turn my head and watch the first years get sorted and for dumblwhore to finish his speech.

after his speech i wasn't hungry so i went back to the slytherin common room and went to my dorm.


i saw y/n walk out of the great hall, she looked sad. i wanted to know what's wrong so i told the others i was tired.

"hey guys i'm kinda tired i'm going to take a nap"

"aight theo bye"

"bye blaise"

i walk to the common room and say the password

"pure blood"

i enter and i walk to y/n dorm. i hear quiet sobs coming from inside.

"y/n what wrong"

"nothing theo, go away"

"please talk to me"

she opens the door and i see her puffy eyes

"y/n please tell me what happened"

"i told lorenzo i wanted to break up and he was happy about it, he told me he was cheating on me the whole time"

she says chocking on her own tears

"that bitch"

i walk over to her and hug her, she hugs me back. after i while i let go and gray her chin to face me, i look into her eyes and just kiss her, i fucking kissed her. it felt good though, i have always fancied y/n but she was with lorenzo so i could never tell her how i felt.

i back away and she looks at me and smiles



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