About twenty minutes later his squad stood beside them.

Very confused on why they had it so easy to come here.

"Get going. Attack them from the back, catch them in the crossfire" Obi-Wan commanded. The clones did as told.

Anakin and his troops were quite confused as suddenly, they found the droids to be in such a bad position like being attacked from both sides.

Yet obviously happy, they took the chance and blasted as many droids to the ground as they were able to.

Bombs penetrated the air, cutting down the number of droids significantly.

Ahsoka, who still was to young to understand the seriousness of this situation, just enjoyed all the new noises, and the seemingly relief and happiness of her brothers.

She giggles, as one ran up, to search cover in the same place as Anakin.

The clone tapped her on the nose, making her wrinkle it, before she let out a happy noise and grabbed after the clones hand.

Anakin smiled at that, allowing himself a short break from the fighting, so that Ahsoka could play with the clones finger for a moment, then he went back into action.

Ahsoka was very amazed by everything, since there was so much to take in for her young mind. She tried to catch the colourful lights flying around, to look at all action around her. It was just a lot for an infant to see.

So obviously at some point her little brain had to much and decided, that it needed to sleep.

And just like that the baby fell deep asleep in the middle of a battle. As if it would be the most normal thing in the galaxy.

Anakin didn't really mind. As long as his little 'soka was happy, he was too.

Obviously at this point there wasn't really a lot of battle left to fight. The confusion of the tactics droid had resulted in such a bad position for the droids, that they were almost completely destroyed.

After about fifteen more minutes a clone, Jan was his name, shot down the last one.

The clones stood there for a moment, somewhat amazed that they won so quick.

Then most of the attention lay on the aftermath. Medics started to run around, treating the wounded, the corpses of the few fallen clones were gathered.

Well, just that this time something was different.

Normally the atmosphere after a battle was dull...

Just that now there was something, no someone to light it up.

It was not like that the clones suddenly forgot about the brothers they had lost, or that the wounded weren't in pain.

But it was, that the presence of little 'soka made it more bearable.

Suddenly there was somewhere for the clones to go.

To go to this little treasure, watch her smile.

Watch her light.

The clones almost fought about who was allowed to prepare food for her, because the pure thought of taking care of that little beam of light made them feeling better.

And when finally Echo won the fight, they all gathered around him, watching how he fed the baby. Taking in the brightness and happiness she emitted.

Her innocent laugh seemed like medicine for wounds, that weren't able to heal. It didn't heal them either, bit it gave them a chance to... bear it.

Now they could care for something.

Ahsoka seemed to be quite happy about the company. After she was ready with eating she stretched out her little arms to the closest clone, as if she would be asking for a hug.

Of course the clone, Fab his name, immediately fulfilled her wish.

It was like if she would know how much he needed it.

As if she would know that he just lost a squadmate, not able to look at the corpse without a breakdown. And as if she would want to comfort him.

Anakin watched the scene from some distance, giving the clones time with their little sister.

"Well, you were right" Obi-Wan said suddenly.

Seemingly having appeared out of nowhere.

"She didn't get hurt. Even made us win the battle."

On the last comment Anakin turned around. "What please?"

Obi-Wan chuckled "The tactic droid was quite confused about your 'backpack' made a foolish move, thinking it was a weapon of sorts"

Now it was Anakins turn to grin. "Well, I guess it wasn't so stupid of me to take her along then"

He looked back to the clones, watching Fab hugging Ahsoka tight.

Obi-Wan followed his gaze.

"You weren't going to give her to a refugee organisation, were you?"

Anakin swallowed.

Great... that was going to be a problem.

He didn't now how to answer without exposing his lie, so he kept quite.

Obi-Wan smiled slightly.

"I should have known"

Anakin bit his lip. He didn't want to loose this child. His child.

Obi-Wan looked to the ground.

"You do still understand, that a battleship is no place for a child to grow up."

Anakin was short to spat out that he didn't care, that he couldn't cope with giving her away, when he was stopped by a loud laugh coming from Ahsoka, as Fab held her up into the air, like Obi-Wan did previous to the battle.

It was a heartwarming picture.

"I'm going to regret this" Obi-Wan suddenly blurted out "But I am not going to force you to give her away."

He stopped for a moment, obviously not sure what to think about his own words.

"How could I... how could I destroy something like... like this" he waved on the direction of the clones and Ahsoka.

"How could I dare to separate a family like this..."

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