4. Future Titans

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The city was quiet at night, most people were sleeping, leaving the nocturnal creatures to tweet and squeak in the deserted streets. Kirsten walked along the river with her parents and younger twin sisters, Avril and Alice. They were four years younger than her. They walked ten paces in front giggling about boys and their second year at the school. Her parents talked about the war and their son, (Kirsten's older brother) coming home, returning from eight months of duty.

Kirsten watched the fish swim carefree through the calm depths. She listened to the faint noise of the waterfall in the distance, and the owls hooting in the trees. She paid little attention to what her family were talking about. She thought of Chad and the warmth he always gave around her, she could see that look he always had when smiling at the misfortunes of others, and the look he gave when thinking of power. If a dark lord was someone good, Kirsten could swear it would be Chad Wizardman.

A short scream from Avril made Kirsten jump, she looked up to see what had happened. The twins had froze, they were pointing to the trees across the river. Fire burst from the branches and Chad fell out of the tallest tree into the river. Before Kirsten could react, Mr Britton had already dived into the cold water and swam to the drowning mage.

Everyone panicked; Kirsten ran to her sisters and clutched them like they were five again. Mrs Britton, who never held much of a fondness for Chad, held her hands up and chanted a levitation spell, trying to keep his head out of the water.

Mr Britton reached Chad; he put an arm round his chest, and pulled back just as quick. Despite the cold, Chad was still boiling hot, steam evaporated from his body. Mr Britton gritted his teeth, grabbed Chad again and pulled him back to shore as fast as he could.

Chad coughed and choked as he pulled himself on to the bank, ignoring the hand offered by Kirsten's mother.

"Are you alright, young man?" She asked pulling her hand away.

"I'm fine... Thank you," muttered Chad to Mr Britton as he was being helped out of the water by Kirsten.

"Are you ok, Chad? What are you doing here? You could have drowned!" Panicked Kirsten, grabbing him into a tight hug.

"I'm ok, really," Chad cleared his throat. His clothes were beginning to dry already, "Listen, Kirsten, I need to talk to you. It's important."

"What is it, Chad?" Asked Kirsten curiously, "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Let's get you home at once, Mr Wizardman. You can talk on the way," said Mr Britton quickly.

Chad gave Kirsten's father a weary look and spoke to her as if no one else was around, "It's that Bolgama bloke that I told you about yesterday. He's been released!"

"Released? What? How do you know?" Asked Kirsten.

"Just an hour ago. There was no reason to keep him if he had not committed a crime. He's staying at the Summer's River inn now."

"I see you kids have been following that story as well," interrupted Mr Britton, "I would like to meet this Jerusulcra person. He may know something about Darren."

"Who would've thought they would have let him go without knowing who he was," contributed Mrs Britton.

"I expect they'll be keeping a close eye on him though, at least until they find out what he wants," said Mr Britton.

Chad grabbed Kirsten's arm and pulled her away from her parents. The twins naturally kept their distance from him anyway. He checked to make sure they weren't in hearing distance, "I was there, Kirsten," he said quietly, "At the cell when they let him go."

"What the bloody hell were you doing there? That's dangerous. Are you trying to get arrested?" Kirsten's voice was sharp.

"Don't worry, I don't think they knew it was me."

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