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(lower caps intended)

2nd genders, or races are a very big thing in this universe. it determines how 'important' and 'useful' you can be in a society like this.

Alphas are at the top of the 'food chain'
most celebrities, musicians, docters, and people with good jobs in general are alphas. alphas have more nature like scents unlike betas and omegas. they are able to mark an omega by biting the scent glands on their neck or wrist. they can mate with betas and other alphas. their scents are usually nature-like, woody, pure fragrance oils, etc. usually when A/O mate, there is a bond, but in this sorry i will not be including that, (sorry!) alphas body builds are muscular and tall for men, the average height is around 6'7. the average height and body for female alphas is busty, yet still muscular and 5'10-6'0.

Betas are basically the most normal people in this society, treated normally aswell. they are not able to experience heat or rut, but just like every other A/O (alpha, omega) they have scents that come from their scent glands, located in there neck or wrist. the scents are usually calming scents, like coconut, lavender, cinnamon; kind of like omegas scents but also different in a way. they're body builds make them able to get muscular, yet they're usually have normal bodies (every body is normal btw so you can interpret betas, omegas, and alphas body to be whatever you like!) the beta height is usually, (for women + men) 5'6-5'11.

Omegas are the ones treated like shiny trophies people put up on their wall to feel accomplished; to use it as something to show off to your friends. toys, to be exact. they are to be played with for a while and then thrown away, most omegas are submissive and shy. a tiny population could be obverse. omegas scents are sweet scents, that does not mean that they smell like candy or anything, yet some still can; not usually. the scent is more like fresh bedsheets, vanilla, soft lemon scents, and cookies. omegas body types and heights are more feminine, the average height is 4'11-5'5.

usually scents are based on what A/O/B (alpha, omega, beta.) are feeling. when they are feeling sad, its a dull smell. meaning you cant really smell them as much as you do. when theyre angry its a sour smell, as well as when their frightened, when they are calm its their usual scents, when they are happy the scent gets more sweet, nature-like, or fresh. when they are lustful, or in heat their smell is more noticeable, or heavy. thats why sometimes omegas use scent represents to avoid getting vi0l@t3d.

ack..my hands hurt. i think i went over everything that you guys should know about A/O/B. i will probably start working on the next chapter so it might be out next saturday?? sorry for such a long wait! heres my planned schedule:
monday: work a bit maybe write 100 words? (the goal is 1200-2000 but i loose a bunch of motivation for a lot of things sometimes so idk)
tuesday: write 200
wednesday: write 100
thursday: write 300
friday: write 260 words
saturday: start working on the next chapter after the other, and repeat! i love you all have a good night/day!⭐️

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