Chapter 2 | Confession

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Armistead Dormitory

St. Smithen's Science Academy

Washington D.C.

May 19

1500 hours

"Hey guys," I said to the people sitting in my room. "I have something important to tell you." The people in my room were Chip (we came to good terms after our last mission), Zoe, Mike, and Warren (he insisted to come since Zoe was here).

"Spit it out," Chip said.

"I'm moving."

"WAIT, WHAT???!!?!?!?" Mike yelled.

"Yeah. My parents got a well-paying job off in London, so we're moving there."

"So you're just leaving? The CIA can't do anything?" Zoe asked.

"What can they do?" I said. "I won't let them turn my parents down from a good job."

"What job is it even?"

"Working at a museum or something."

"A museum? That's boring," Warren said.

"It's not a matter of fun," I said. "It's a matter of income."

"How will your girlfriend react to this?" Mike said, clearly referring to Erica.

"I don't know," I said. "I don't even wanna leave."

"I'll miss you," Zoe said.

"Yeah, same," Chip said. I smiled.

"Thanks. I'll miss you guys too, but I don't want it to get too emotional."

"Yeah me too," Mike said. "Are you coming back?"

"Maybe in a couple of years," I said. "Maybe not."

"Better go tell your girlfriend the news." I walked outside and located Erica next to the drinking fountain. She smiled upon seeing me.

"Hey Ben," she said.

"Hi Erica," I said. "I have to tell you something. Can we go somewhere private?"

"Sure," she said, looking confused. She followed me to the secret room behind the rec-center foosball table that we found and established as our base.

"I'm moving," I said. She looked even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

"My parents got a job in London as museum workers," I said.

"Oh," she said, now knowing what I meant but looking heartbroken. "So I'll never see you again?"

"I hope not," I said, gently lifting her head until it was level with mine. We looked into each other's eyes and there was a moment of silence before Erica talked.

"I'll miss you," she said.

"Me too," I agreed. She kissed me one last time, on the lips, before walking out. A couple of hours later, I was at home, packing all my things into a suitcase. I took all my kickboxing and karate trophies, along with my clothes and some pictures of my friends.

Soon, we were at the airport getting ready to fly off. I was playing games on my phone in the waiting area, my mom was doing paperwork, and my dad was having a bad case of diarrhea. "The flight's going to be about 7.5 hours," my mom told me.

"Ok," I said. The flight was long, as my mom warned me. We landed in London about 7 hours later. It was foggy and raining.

"So we're going to go straight to our house?" I asked.

"Yes," my dad said. "It's really nice. You'll like it." Sure enough, he was right, I did like it, but all I could think about was my friends back in spy school. The house had three floors, a fair-sized kitchen, a living room with a TV, 2 washrooms, and 3 bedrooms. Over the next few days, we unpacked and explored London.

There was a swimming pool in the building across the street from our house. I went there regularly to work out and swim. There were some pretty girls there who took some interest in me, but I wasn't interested in them. One of the girls there was called April, and she always tried to flirt with me while I ran on the treadmill.

"You seem new here," April said, leaning against my treadmill. "Are you from America?"

"Yes," I said.

"What's your name?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

"Ben," I replied.

"Well, I'll see you in school maybe," April said. "Do you come here regularly?"

"No," I lied. I didn't want her to hit on me any more than today.

"Ok," she said. "Then see you in school!" she walked out the door, and I breathed a sigh of relief that she was gone. Not that the rest of the girls were leaving me alone either. I was seriously giving thought to find a different pool across the city. But then, I reasoned, there would be girls there too. WHY WOULDN'T THEY JUST LEAVE ME BE???!!?!? The next few months went by pretty fast until soon I had to go to school.

In London, school started in September. There were 3 seperate terms. The first term was from September to mid-December, the second one was from January to the end of March, and the third one was from April to the end of June.

On the first day of school, I was to walk to school since we were close enough. I was directed to my homeroom, where we had a teacher called Mrs. Owens. She seemed pretty nice. This school was much like my last school in Washington D.C. Over time, I made some friends. One of my best friends was a guy called Max. At recess, we played soccer together (football as it was called in England).

At home, I did my homework for an hour, then my parents came home. We had supper and I went on my computer for a bit before going to bed. That was basically my schedule every day.

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