"Professor?" A voice called about ten minutes after I started grading, followed by a knock.

I grabbed my wand from my pocket and swished it at the door, causing it to open and reveal Colden and Iliana. They walked in and sat across from me.

"I need you two to listen and not say a word until I am finished speaking, is that clear?" I asked the kids.

They nodded and I went on to tell them what the headmistress and I have been talking about throughout the day.

"The letter has been sent to the headmistress of Hogwarts and I should be sending you on your way to England." I told them.

"Send us? What about you?" Iliana asked me.

"Whilst waiting for the two of you, I have decided to stay here and finish the year at Ilvermorny. It isn't a post I can leave whenever I want. But for you, it will be easy to catch up in your classes. And besides, Professor McGonagall has no reason to deny your transfer, but has every reason to deny mine." I explained to her.

"Why?" Colden asked.

"Because I am not the person I play myself to be. Here, I put on a mirage. At Hogwarts, there is a high chance that the mirage will cease to exist and my true personality will show. It's a story to save for another time."

"How long will you hide this story?" Colden asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Well our father has been in prison for ten years and we don't know why. You said you know, and just like you just said, it's a story for another time. So how long are you going to hold this one from us? Another ten years? Forever?" He said.

"Colden, I said it once and I will not say it again- it's for another time. And now that I've said what I needed to say, you're free to go." I told them.

Colden quickly got up and left the office, while Iliana stayed behind.

"Is there more?" I asked her.

"I feel like you're not telling me something." She said.

"Are you holding onto the story? Iliana I told you-"

"It's not the story, mom." Iliana sighed, "I feel like this transfer is going to happen over Christmas break, which is understandable, but if you're not coming with us, where will we stay?" She asked.

I thought for a moment, which lasted a mere second before Draco and Astoria popped into my head.

"I have some friends that may be willing to take you in for a bit. But I'll have to check on it." I said.

I thought about Astoria and her mind. I felt the familiar feeling of getting sucked into another person's head. I could see her memories and how she was at the moment. I saw Draco sitting next to Astoria in bed. A wet towel was placed upon her forehead. Her body looked thin and frail. Draco fed her some soup before placing the bowl on the side table beside her. I pulled myself back to my own surroundings and nodded. I had a plan.

"You're going to live with a couple I know. The man's name is Draco Malfoy and his wife is Astoria Malfoy. They have a son who's your age. His name is Scorpius. Astoria has a blood curse that puts her in a lot of pain and will eventually kill her. Luckily for her, my daughter gets her potion skills from her mother and grandfather. I am going to teach you a potion that I have created. You will learn everything about this potion and when you have perfected it, I will send you to England to make it for Astoria." I explained to her.

"Perfect! When do we start?" She asked.

"Meet me in the potions classroom after your last class and bring a notebook."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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