"And then I was like, 'minnie, if you really want to get me in trouble, you might as well raid my locker, see what you find in there," james explained.

"Sure, and when she does that, whats gonna happen? Your gonna get expelled because theres so much shit in there. I wouldn't be surprised if they found a door to narnia in that locker" Sirius replied.

The warning bell rang, so james said bye, grabbed his bag and jogged out the door, leaving sirius to turn his attention to the boy who just walked in the door.

The guy walked over to the teachers desk, talked for a few seconds, then glanced around the room and started walking towards sirius. Sirius couldn't help but admire the guy as he took a few long strides to the desk. He had a pile of golden curls on his head, which got messed up when he ran his hand through it. Hot. Not to mention his eyes, which were a bright shade of hazel green, and really 'popped' against his outfit, which even sirius had to admit was pretty cool. He was wearing light green plaid pants, a cream button up with the first few top buttons undone, layered under a knitted sweater, green again. Oh, and he had on a dark gray cotton trench coat, reaching his mid-thighs. Sirius was already staring at him for too long, so he glanced at his shoes, where-i kid you not- the mysterious guy had on white socks with little rainbow hearts on the hem.

He was now sitting in the seat next to him- the lab tables only sat 2 at a time- as most of the other tables were occupied.

He chuckled. "Like my socks, huh?"

sirius snapped out of his gaze, and brought his eyes up to the other boys'.

WHY IS HE SO CUTE, he thought.

"Love 'em. Where can i get a pair?" He responded, trying to sound casual.

The boy looked a little suprised, but went along with it.

"Etsy. I can send you the link sometime if you want," remus smiled.

"Yeah, I-I'd love that," he stuttered.

"Welcome to AP chemistry 4!" The teacher started, turning their attention away from each other and to the man standing in the front of the room.

"This is an advanced class, so I expect all assignments to be turned in on time, or even ahead of time. I do not offer extra credit, yet I am big on class participation. I have the syllabus right here, give me a sec-" the teacher continued, trying to get his computer to work.

Sirius turned to the guy next to him.

"One of my friends told me he fell asleep once when he played a video and they all got to leave early," he said quietly.

"Honestly i wouldn't be surprised. But his breath REEKED of old coffee when i talked to him," remus smiled.

"Probably the only thing keeping him awake right now."

They both chuckled silently, then continued to make small talk the rest of the presentation. When the lights got turned back on, they turned back to the teacher.

"I have a packet/pre-test for each of you, to access what you already know in this subject. I don't expect you to know everything, but  you should know most of it, from chemistry 3."

As he took the test, he glanced at his lab partner and found that he had no trouble whatsoever filling out the test.

He, was having the exact opposite reaction.

10 minutes later, they turned in the papers and the teacher said they could work on other classwork for the remainder of the period, which was only a few minutes.

Sirius pulled out his laptop and checked his inbox quickly, before taking out his phone and scrolling through Instagram.

There were no new posts since the time he checked 30 minutes ago, but luckily the bell rang, indicating the end of the class.

He shoved his laptop and phone into his backpack, slung it over his shoulder, and turned to say goodbye to the guy.

"Hey, I never caught your name. Might be important, since we'll be working together for a while, now." He said, putting on his signature sirius-black-smile.

The guy looked up from tucking his books away into his messenger bag.

"Remus. Remus lupin," he replied, reaching out his hand to sirius.

"Sirius black," he answered and shook his lab partners' hand.

"See you around?" Remus asked him, eyebrows raised slightly.

Sirius couldn't utter a response, so he just smiled and nodded, admiring remus as he walked out of the classroom, bag on one shoulder and a big book in his opposite hand. Remus turned and smiled at him before rounding the corner, and sirius couldn't keep that smile off his face as he grabbed his own bag and headed out the door.

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