"Watch where you're fucking going," Regulus snarled under his breath.

Sirius laughed and made an "ooh," sound to James Potter and Remus Lupin, before leading them away from the Slytherins.

Juliet could not hear all of the words that Sirius had muttered to Potter and Lupin, but both she and Regulus heard the words "death eaters," being said. Juliet watched as Regulus' jaw clenched and she silently begged him not to cause a scene, it wouldn't do either of them any good to be in a fight on their first days as prefects. Her father had been so proud, it would be devastating to him if she was to lose the title.

"Do you want to say that again, blood traitor?" Regulus shouted after the boys, marching up to them.

"Reg..." Juliet started quietly.

"What's the matter, brother?" Sirius laughed, "Training for-"

"You haven't a clue what you're on about- you fucking coward-"

Sirius laughed and opened his mouth to speak but Juliet beat him to it.

"Black, if you want thirty points taken from Gryffindoor then carry on, if not, I'd suggest you shut up."

Sirius smirked and looked at Remus, "ah, Romilly, thankfully I have a prefect of my own right here," he said smugly. Remus shifted where he stood a little and stared ahead awkwardly.

Juliet caught his eye and smirked, before looking back to Sirius. "Something tells me that Lupin here won't take points unprovoked," she laughed.

"He will-"

"No, Sirius," Remus said and Juliet chuckled.

"Are you fucking- whatever," he said, beginning to walk away, "let's go boys."

"Thanks," Regulus muttered to his friend.

"Don't worry about it, why did they-"

"Don't worry about it," Regulus said quickly.

The three Gryffindoors trailed behind the two Slytherins up the path to the carriage, when they arrived they found only one remained and Juliet groaned.

"You have to be fucking kidding me-" she heard Sirius saying behind.

"Let's just get on," James said, quickening his pace, "leave them here, they can bloody walk-"

"They're enchanted-," Sirius snapped back, "they know that there's still students here- they won't leave- Merlin- do you know nothing Potter?"

The Gryffindoors caught up to the Slytherins who had already squashed themselves into the corners of the carriage, Remus hadn't spoken a word and circled the carriage multiple times. In all his years at Hogwarts, he had never seen anything pulling them, the beasts were huge and beautiful. He looked up at his friends in confusion, wondering why they weren't as shocked as he was, only to find that they were looking back at him with an equally puzzled look.

"Today, Lupin," Juliet Romilly said in a bored voice. "I don't fancy sitting here all night."

Remus clambered into the carriage and sat beside James, who was next to Regulus, whilst Sirius stared disgustingly at Juliet, who he was next to.

"What are these things?" He asked in awe, turning to James.

James laughed a little and met Sirius' eye, "what are what, mate?"

"Pulling the carriages," he asked, looking at Sirius. Juliet's eyes shot up and she raised an eyebrow and smirked a little.

Regulus, however, was far less subtle and burst out laughing, "Merlin, Sirius, I knew your friends were thick, but I didn't know that they were insane too-"

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