Chapter 5

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Time skip - Friday

As I sat in the great hall I saw a familiar face stroll in. Y/N. She looked around breifly then made eye contact with me and made her way over. I felt my stomach turn, god I was so nervous around her I really hoped she couldn't tell. "Afternoon Wood" she chirped "Afternoon" I said. "Ready for tomorrow?" I teased, her eyes went wide "gosh I forgot it was tomorrow" she said laying her head in her palms. I chuckled, "Not to worry I'm sure you'll do fine" she looked up smiling as she grabbed a plate. God her smile was contagious. "L/N?" I asked, "hm?" she looked up. "You're doing well I'm Herbology right?" She smiled I saw her eyes sparkle as she began "rather well indeed, why? Do you need a tutor?" She asked. "Matter of fact I do" I said half embarrassed. "Oh well do you have a free period next? I'd be happy to tutor you then." I smiled and nodded. As the seats around us filled we chatted with our other friends every so often she made eye contact with me. I felt my stomach flip every time she did. As we finished eating I stood waiting for her "stop Devin, come on" she laughed at her friend. I wondered what they were talking about but I knew not to ask. She stood walking to the door, "Come on Ollie" I beamed catching up with her "Ollie, calling me by my first name now?" I joked "Don't get used to it Wood" she laughed. I knew she just slipped up but it made me feel special.

Y/N's POV: as we sat in the library going over the course work, more than once I caught Wood staring at me, I brushed it off but somewhat smirking to myself "Wood, eyes on your paper" I joked. He cleared his throat looking down going red in the face. I chuckled, maybe Fred was right, maybe he fancied me.

Cedric's POV:

I looked over at the boy, his face red and buried in his book I laughed, knowing I was right, perhaps this little crush would help us score a win with the captain distracted I thought. I looked over the table at Fred, he looked at me nodding his head towards Oliver, who was walking out of the library. I looked at him confused. "Those two are rather obvious to each other" he whispered. I smirked "so you heard Wood's side?" I asked. "Blimey he won't stop talking about her" I chuckled. Me and Fred high fived knowing we were a matchmaker team of sorts. Y/N stood up gathering her books to leave the library "Hey not so fast Y/N" I smirked. "Ced, and you too Freddie!" She said glaring at both of us. Fred laughed "What? Did we interrupt a date" she walked over hitting Fred across the head with her book, him still laughing. I put my arm around her just laughing at Fred. "Come on let's go get some sleep before the game" I said ruffling her hair.



I tumbled out of my bed and frantically got ready I was so nervous for the game. I felt nauseous and my stomach kept turning. I pulled on my jumper and robe and pulled my hair back. I started down the stairs and sat in the common room. I took a deep breath as I sat on the chair nervously bouncing my knee. I seemed to be the only one awake in the dorms I looked over to the clock, 5:47, ugh I thought. Probably an hour till anyone else is up. I opened the door slowly and walked towards the courtyard, only to find Cedric there scribbling on his game play board. "Morning" I said as he jumped. "Sorry, I thought no one else would be here" I smiled. "No worries, I assume your excited for the game since your up so early" he laughed. "Well I'm nervous, I don't want to let the team down" I pouted. He put an arm around me pulling me into a hug "you'll do great sis" I looked up at him laughing in confusion. "Sis?" "Well your like a little sister to me, I have to look out for you, and keep my eye on those boys you fancy-" he said "CED" I exclaimed "come off it, you promised you wouldn't say anything" I whined. "I haven't but I may have some insider information that he fancies you back" he said with a wink. "What?!"

"I promised I wouldn't say anything" he laughed

"Wait are you messing with me?"

He 'zipped his mouth closed'

"I have been sworn to secrecy" he said

"CED" I pushed him off the stone bench he lay on the grass laughing at me.

"I would be mad but hey you've gotten pretty strong, good for you"

I rolled my eyes laughing, I helped him up as we walked to the great hall for breakfast.

I sat not being able to eat, my stomach would not stop turning, not sure if it was the game or the thought of Oliver but I knew I was far to nauseous to eat.

Cedric looked at me with sympathetic eyes and handed me a muffin. "Come on you've got to eat something" he sighed.

I ate the muffin unwillingly. And sat back taking a deep breath. As I looked around the hall I saw, Fred, George and of course Oliver. I waved at the three. They all waved back with Fred raising his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. As we sat the team eating, I wrote a letter to my parents, catching them up on everything that had happened in the past 5 weeks. I missed them but I did feel like I belonged more at hogwarts than home. As I finished my letter I sealed it up and stood up to walk toward the owls. I smiled at them as I gave my owl the letter, I turned back to them.

"Ready for the game gentlemen?"

"Course we are" the twins said

"How about you Wood?"

"Just fine, ready to beat hufflepuff" he said sporting a cocky grin

"We'll see about that" I chimed back smirking as I did

My team made their way to the pitch and our locker room. We mingled and chatted as we waited for the stands to fill outside. We heard it get louder and louder out there.We sat on the small benches turning towards Ced.

"Alright everyone, we came to win, we have practiced and trained for this harder than any other team, we're bound to win. Remember to work as a team" we looked around at each other "alright are we ready" He yelled

We all gathered around shouting our team chant and walked out onto the pitch.

Lee announced every team member in position order after my team had been called I heard "And L/N as our newest Hufflepuff keeper" over the sound system.

I smiled as I kicked of the ground soaring up and hovering alongside the rest of my teammates.

Then Gryffindor came out I saw George nod at me. They were all introduced in order once again "Wood, our Gryffindor Keeper and Captain" he smirked nodding towards the crowd, a couple 2nd years practically drooling over him.

"3-2-1!" Lee shouted and off they went, I went as I had in every game to the hoops. I swerved the blugers one of them nearly hitting another hufflepuff. I hit it far off in the other direction with my broom, smirking as I did over at Oliver who nodded back seeming impressed. I flew back up waiting to see where the blugers and snitch were. I watch for a bit until I saw a Gryffindor with a blugers going towards our hoops. I dove going as fast as I could, screeching to a halt as I used all my force hitting it to the other side. As I did another in the distance came hurtling from behind me. I fell from my broom hitting the sand with a thud as it went dark.

Hehe I won't leave you on a cliffhanger, do you like the POVs switching? 

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