Chapter 3

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My first classes of the day turned out to be surprisingly smooth, besides Snape's class of course, but I had George and Devin in that class so it wouldn't be too bad. As I walked up the stairs to the greenhouse I was stopped "Oi L/N" I smiled before turning around knowing that Scottish accent in a second. Oliver was jogging up the steps. As he reached the same one I was one he grinned. "You have herbology right?" He said starting up the stairs. "Yeah, although not quite sure where the greenhouse"

"I'd be happy to show you lassie" he said grinning as he lead the way. We arrived at the top and went into the room. I looked around stunned at all the beautiful greenery about. I ran toward at pot looking at in wonder "this must be a Puffapods! I've only read about this in fantasy books" I said. Professor Sprout looked across to me "indeed, you must be our new 3rd year, L/N" I looked up, "yes professor" I smiled as she lead me over to a table, she handed me a small folder with all I had missed joining late, she mentioned she would be happy to help me if I needed it, I nodded and looked over it as other students piled in. "Y/N!" Fred called. I looked up to see him sitting across from me and grabbing his quill and parchment to take notes on the plants placed at each table. Class went relatively normal with Fred distracting me half the time. One time I looked over and even caught him trying to make a paper airplane from his parchment. As we filed out of the class Fred grabbed my arm, "Y/N come on I wanna tell you something" I looked at him wide eyes, a pit in my stomach. As we rounded the corner we went into a quiet hallway. "Blimey Y/N did you notice Wood?" Fred said. I looked at him puzzled "huh?" "He was practically staring at you the whole time" my eyes widened as I felt my stomach fill with butterflies again. "If he's bothering you I'm done to prank him or simply wack with my beater during a game 'on accident'" he joked as he walked toward the common room. "No- that's fine, after all he wasn't doing anything mean" Fred smiles and shrugged as he slipped into the Gryffindor common room. I walked down the hall to the hufflepuff common room I thought about what Fred had mentioned. I smiled at the thought. As I sat down on the marigold chair I pulled my herbology book out.

As I reached to grab my other books a small paper fell from between the pages. I picked it up and opened the small note. 'Meet me at the quidditch pitch at 5' simply signed C.D. I laughed not knowing what Ced had planned. I went to my room and changed into a jumper and a pair of pants. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and headed down to the pitch. When I got there, Cedric was standing 2 brooms in hand.


Oliver's POV

I couldn't study anymore, I was losing focus and needed a break. I walked out of the common room and down the hall. It was mostly quiet seeing as it was almost dinner everyone would be in the great hall. I wasn't hungry, I couldn't get Y/N out of my head. The was she smiled, the way she laughed. I smirked to myself as I continued to walk. I arrived at the small balcony over the field looking out towards the pitch. When I see Diggory and-L/N playing 1 v. 1 quidditch. She was positioned towards the hoops playing the keepers position I presume. Every one Diggory hit towards the hoop she managed to hit right back at him not letting one go into the hoops. I sighed as I turned to leave, taking one last look at the pitch to see Y/N waving at me. I waved back smirking as I did.


I watched as Oliver turned the corner. I smiled turning towards Ced "having fun there?" he teased. I looked at the grown half smiling half embarrassed. "Well you'll get more time to spend with your boy, cause we have just found our seeker" I stared for a moment jaw dropped "r-really?" "Yes!, you're the best seeker I've seen in a while we have to have you on the team" I beamed running up to hug Ced "thank you!" I said muffled into his shoulder. "Of course. Say, you didn't deny that he was your boy" he grinned. I felt my face heat up "I uh" "no worries L/N he's a nice kid. I approve of the crush" he laughed. I looked toward the ground fiddling with my sweaters edge, embarrassed that it was so obvious, Ced knew me too well I just hoped that he would say anything to Oliver. 

This one's a bit shorter but getting the next part out! What do you think of Cedric being our Wingman?

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