Chapter 1.

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Y/N's POV:

As I stood before the brick wall I looked back to my parents strolling away. Being muggles themselves they had no idea how to get to 9 3/4 either. I scanned through the crowd of bustling people and made eye contact with a young boy with flaming red hair. I smiled as he started to walk over with an identical brother trailing behind him. He held out his hand to shake mine, "Hi there I'm George, this is my brother Fred, are you having some trouble getting to platform 9 3/4?"

"Yes" I said thankfully

"Follow us" he beamed

I shut my eyes and ran full speed towards the wall. I was bracing for impact.. until- I was - I was at the hogwarts station!

I looked around breathless smiling at the majestic scene in front of me. "Oi come on, we'll miss the train if we stay here all day" Fred called. I turned half dazed and started toward the train, cart in one hand, toad cage in the other. I took a breath as I looked around the cozy train hallway as I was admiring the architecture of the beautiful train cabin I heard someone yell "blimey - hurry up before all the cars fill" it was George sticking his head out of the small train car waving to me.

 I lit up practically skipping over to them. Fred helped me put my truck overhead as George poked fingers at my toads cage. "So, what's your name after all" Fred questioned. " oh - sorry I was so caught up in everything, I'm Y/N" "very nice to meet you" the boys said. I sat down on the sage colored seat and looked out the foggy window as the train started to move. The ride was surprisingly short. With beautiful views and many laughs with the twins. Along the way they got to know me, that I was technically a 3rd year muggle born. They also happened to be 3rd years, they told me of their MANY siblings and their infamous pranks. They showed me their plan of the pranks they wanted to try this year. As they talked about their potion prank plans the train screeched to a halt. I gasped and looked out my window, squealing with excitement it grabbed my trunk and toad and headed out the door of the train car. "Wait up Y/N!" Fred laughed scrabbling after me. I stood on the platform in awe of the castle in the distance. "Not to shabby aye?" George chimed. "Wow" is all I could manage to get out. We walked as I ran into a large rather bushy man. "Sorry sir!" I blubbered out. "Nothing to worry about, say - you must be a newbie here eh?" the giant asked. "Yes sir" I said. "What did ya say yer name was lassie" "Y/N sir" "oh please call me Hagrid" the man chuckled. "Weasleys taking care of you alright?" "Yes Hagrid" the boys said in unison. "Well you better be off in yer boat now" Hagrid beamed. I smiled know this would be quite the adventure.

As we entered the castle I was dumbstruck by all the young students around I felt rather out of place among them. A woman in a velvet green gown and hat cleared her throat "Welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts." I smiled as I felt like I had found my place in the world, it just felt so ... right."The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin" she continued as I began to space out.

 I suddenly worried that the only friends I had made would be in different houses as me. I pushed that to the back of my head as I knew I would make friends just fine. I tuned back in , she turned and lead us towards the great hall. As well walked in I looked around in utter wonder seeing enchanted candles floating above us. As my gaze raised I saw the ceiling looked as if it was the night sky. I stopped in amazement staring at the ceiling. I moved as I felt people pushing behind me. As we stood in a huddled crowd. I look towards the front to see an old man with a rather long beard stand. "Welcome students, let the sorting begin" he bellowed. First years were called on after the other each sitting on the still and the enchanted hat speaking placing them into their "houses" I watched amazed as I had never seen a hat like that before. "Y/N L/N" I was startled being in my own thoughts I smiles and walked toward the front. The hat was placed on my head, as it moved I felt hundreds of eyes on me briefly making eye contact with a brunette boy at the gryffindor table "Hmm... brave and friendly perhaps Gryffindor would suit you. Ah but something tells me you don't quite fit there. Hmm.. let it be... HUFFLEPUFF" the hat crowed. The house with yellow robes and flags erupted with clapping and cheering I smiled as I rose. I walked over to the table of people "come sit down here!" A voice called. I turned to see an older boy waving. "Hi there I'm Cedric Diggory, Y/N right"?. "Yes" I said. "come sit with us down here, instead of the first years" I happily obliged. Sitting between a lovely girl, Devin, and Cedric across from me. As we ate we laughed and joked about the upcoming year. Me and Devin turned out to be roommates we were elated to say the least. As I lay in my cozy dorm that night I thought of all the fun I had in store for this year. 

My first post and chapter, please be nice in the comments and excuse any spelling errors!

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