"Yeah like what?" I say back.

"Go on the date you promised." He said with a really big smile.

"No. I never promised you." I say while freaking out.

"Uh yes you did. fine then gimme my jacket back." He says.

"Ugh okay fine." I say while hold his jacket up.

"Okay so it's a date." He says.

"No......." I say nervously.

"I'll pick you up around 3. Tell your parents if you can. I'll get the boys to pick up the girls so it won't seem suspicious." He said while putting me on pause to text the boys.

"Okay i'll be right back." I say to get up from my room to go talk to the girls. The girls were eavesdropping so I opened the door and they all fell over. I said come in and put my self on mute.

"So you probably heard the plan already. You guys and the boys are gonna hang out while nick and i go on a date." I say.

"Ooo okay lets pick your outfit!" Michelle says happily.

We picked out my outfit. A skirt, a white crop top, and some black converse. It was getting late so i said goodnight to the girls while still on facetime with Nick. I showed him what I was gonna wear. He was streaming and was on facetime with me.... I don't know if he was gonna keep streaming so i said goodnight, but he ended streaming and told me to stay on because we're gonna facetime all night until we wake up. I said okay and watched him get ready for bed. It was around 1-2 am and we stayed up a bit until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning around 10 and look at that still on facetime. He woke up earlier than me.

"Why good morning." He says while smiling.

"Hi good morning" I say.
"Did I do anything weird when I was sleeping?"

"Yeah you snored." He laughed.

"OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY" I practically yelled.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You're fine! You didn't snore for long or loud either." He says cracking up.

"Well I'm still embarrassed..." I say nervously.
"Well ima go eat breakfast, get ready and have you pick me up?"

"Yeah okay, let me know when you're ready." He said blushing.

"Okay bye bye" i say.

"Byeeee" he says.

I went downstairs to see if anyone was down there. To my surprise everyone was awake eating breakfast and talking.

"Good morning." I say as I'm walking to the fridge and grabbing the apple juice.

"Good morning sweetie" Dad says.

"So what are you girls gonna do today?" Mama asks.

"We were thinking about going out with the boys today. Is that okay with you guys?" I say.

"Um... As long as you guys don't go their house without a parent home then yes. that's fine." Dad says.

"Wow Mama and Dad. You're being really chill and nice." I say laughing.

"For now." they both say.

"Well we're gonna hang out upstairs and get ready." I say.

"Okay we're gonna stay down here and watch tv." Mama says.

We head upstairs to my room and just talk and watch youtube until around 1:30ish. We all got ready. Took us around and hour to shower, do our hair, minimal make up and get changed

hi:) uh i'm very inconsistent with posting and writing. but i was gonna make a schedule posting 1-3 times a week. but yk school and shit-. oh i'm also writing a new story not a fanfiction:( i'm writing it with jimins_jams_09 so go follow her!
i'm in class atm writing this😀. but love youu.


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