Chapiter 5

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Bran and Alaia had always been close, but since Bran had spent over a month in a coma, Alaia had spent every waking moment at his side. When Bran woke up, Alaia was the only person who had been at his side. His mother had left him and his brother Robb was too busy with the whole "Lord of Winterfell" in his father absence that he had seemed to forget he had a family. As for Rickon, he was still too young to fully understand what had happened. He had started to seclude himself in dark corners, only playing with his direwolf Shaggydog. Bran had come to depend on Alaia and it was the same for her. They had felt what it was like when they weren't in each others presence for only an afternoon but it was enough for them. They didn't wish to be apart another second of their lives. If you thought that the two were close before, it was on a whole other level now. They were attached at the hips. When Bran had a lesson, Alaia was going with him and when she wished to go to practise her swordsmanship, he would go with her, admiring Alaia in all her presence even if she had sweat in her face with the effort she made. Each day it was like that, they followed one another around never leaving the other's side. Even if the two children were being head to each of their chamber when night came, you would find Alaia sneaking out of hers to go join Bran in his. At first they were scolded for this, both that didn't stop them. Now nobody minds it.

On a morning that was at first same as the others, the two children were sleeping soundly beside each other. They were then awoken in a jump when Hodor entered the room slamming the door on the wall. He had in hand the saddle that had been deeply awaited. Both Alaia and Bran had a huge smile when they saw it. They knew it would be a great day.

As Bran was being dress, Alaia was doing the same, putting on breeches and a tunic for their day on horse, she found it more practical than a dress. When she was finished, she got out finding Bran waiting for her in Hodor's arms. They headed down to break their fast. After, they made their way outside for a great day. Their horses were waiting for them outside, with Theon and Robb. On her saddle, Alaia strapped her sword that she had taken on her way out. She thought it could be useful in any case.

In the woods, Bran and Alaia were doing circles around of Theon and Robb who were talking sat on rocks. Having enough of going around in circles, Bran decides to go deeper in the woods leaving no choice for Alaia but to follow him.

"Shouldn't we have waited for Robb or at least tell him where we were going Bran?" Questioned Alaia.

"We aren't going that deep in the woods, we have nothing to fear." Ansewerd simply Bran.

"I think you think this through Bran. Do you hear Robb? I don't. We don't even see him from here. We're too far." Explained Alaia. Bran then stopped in front of her, looking around them.

"Did you hear that?" Asked Bran turning to face her. "Robb?" At the same moment, four wildlings circled them. Two of which took their reins so they couldn't flee.

"All alone in the deep, dark woods." The only woman of the group said.

"We're not alone. My brother is with us." Respond Bran to the wildling woman.

"I don't see him." A wildling beside Bran add. "Got him hidden under your cloak?"

"Ooh, that's a pretty pin." The wildling woman said looking at Bran's Tully pin his mother had left him. "Silver."

"We'll take the pin and the horses. Get down." Continue the same wildling man that had spoken earlier. "Be quick about it."

"He can't." Alaia said making her way down from her horse looking at her saddle where her sword was hidden. She lifts her eyes to Bran, contemplating if she should take it out but change her mind when she saw it could endanger him. Alaia could only stand there eyeing the three wildling around Bran, leaving her guard by only one.

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