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Alaia Mormont is the daughter of Jorah Mormont and Lynesse Hightower, Lord and Lady of Bear Island, after his father Jeor Mormont had pledged voluntarily his life to the Night's Watch so he could become the head of House Mormont. Her mother had expensive tastes that her father struggled to satisfy. To fund her desire, Jorah had resorted to selling poachers into slavery although it has been illegal to do so in the Seven Kingdoms for millennia. He had also served in mercenary companies such as the Golden company to try to satisfy his wife's desires, but the incomes wouldn't be enough to satisfy Lynesse. She eventually leaves him and their daughter for a richer man of Westeros. She was just a babe when her father was caught and disgraced. He was stripped of his lordship and fled to avoid being executed by Eddard Stark leaving his daughter to his aunt Maege Mormont for her to live a better life than what she would have lived in if he had taken her with him.

Left in her great aunt care, Alaia became a fierce woman. She learned to wield a sword since she had celebrated her fifth name day. She was taught proper manners to be a lady, learned the history of every house, but never would learn how to sow, preferring being in trousers and perfecting her combat with the sword, but also how to shoot arrows. She had never been fond of sewing, never being able to stay in the same place more than a few minutes. Sitting for hours learning how to sow never been in her veins although it was recommended to learn how to do so to be a good lady. She much preferred to be in the mud swinging her sword at a mannequin.

It was then that one day Lord Eddard Stark, Warden of the North, came to see her aunt, now the Lady of Bear Island, to discuss some things that would change her life. When he entered their house, Alaia besides her great cousins, felt that this meeting would be life changing even if she had only turned ten. It wasn't long after their family had been presented at Ned Stark and that he greets them he demands to speak to her aunt privately. Every person standing in the hall had been excused, but as Alaia passed the door, she felt someone fixing her back.

Her aunt Maege and Lord Stark had been discussing for an hour or two when they exited and everyone from the Mormont clan was asked to come to the hall for an announce. Alaia notice she was the last to enter the hall when she stepped in. All eyes were set on her as soon as she entered. Alaia was anxious to be fixed by that many people, but wouldn't let it show. It was only when she was announced that she would depart the next day with the Warden of the North to go to Winterfell that she let her face fall. Even though she wasn't ecstatic to go away from her family, particularly from Lyanna who was only four but already fierce, she still compelled to the demand and excused herself to go to prepare for her trip who would start in the early morning the next day.


It was the next day, Alaia accompanied by Lord Stark and his men were embarking the ship that would signify her depart for a long time from Bear Island. They took the boat from Bear Island to Deepwood Motte. Then from there, they made their way to Winterfell on horse. They spend days on the road. Stopping only when the horses were tired and to sleep when the sun wasn't in the sky anymore.

Then one afternoon Ned Stark, who was travelling beside her, told her that just before them was Winterfell. Their trip was finally coming to an end. Alaia was happy to finally be able to have a good bath after being on the road for days and finally sleeping in a room fit for a lady. When they entered the courtyard of Winterfell, the population of Winterfell and the Stark family was standing there to welcome their lord from his trip. As she enters the courtyard behind Ned, Alaia make eye contact with a boy placed at the end of the line. Their eyes stay fixed on each other but their eye contact comes to an end when Ned says her name, presenting her to his family and the population. Lady Catelyn Stark welcomed her with a warm smile and command her to follow her so she can show her what would be her bedroom as of now. She was also present to her Nan who would take care of her now like she does with the Stark children. After the presentation, Catelyn tells Alaia to freshen herself after the long trip she had and prepare for dinner.

At dinner, she gets to know the Stark children more than she had time to when she arrived. She strikes conversations with the only other girls at the table, Arya and Sansa. Sansa starts by asking Alaia if she likes to sow in which she respond that she preferes much to practice with her sword outside than being inside sewing a dress all day long. Since that moment Alaia and Arya have been like two peas in a pod sharing their love for things that women shouldn't be able to do because what belongs in the hands of a woman is a needle.

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