Chapter 1: blackout

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  Derek is a small and skinny 15 year old who had black hair and black eyes as well.    He's the quiet one who always minds his own business.  He is exceptionally smart and is in advanced classes in school .

   Derek was walking to his new school very nervously because he didnt know anyone. He kept thinking to himself, "Why, why did I have to move away from my family and friends".  He kept wishing that this was just a dream and he would wake up any minute now.

   After about ten minutes of walking Derek finally reached school. He looked at his schedule and found out where his next class was. He found out that it was the classroom right next to him wich was very fortunate. He walked into the class full of students who he have never seen before. The minute he walked into the clasroom everything went quiet and everyone stared at him wich made him feel very uncomfortable.

   He walked up to the teachers desk to ask where he could sit but the teachered just ignored him wich he thought was very innapropriate for a teacher. Derek kept saying "teacher,",then louder, "TEACHER". After he practically yelled the teacher finally looked at him and finally said, " Good morning,  you must be Derek. You can sit over by Michael over there  in the corner". Derek turned to look at Michael and he saw him waving at him and signaling him to sit down at the desk next to him.

   Michael was an average height male with red hair and with freckles all over his face. Michael was  suprisingly cheerful.

   Derek went to sit next to him still nervous about the whole changing school thing. When Derek sat next to Michael, Michael started talking about random things like when his birthday was, what sport team he likes, etc. Then Michael asked why he moved and Derek froze.

   Derek's memories flashed through his head and he heard screams and gunshots right before he blacked out.  He woke up right after with Michael shaking him awake while other people were laughing at him, and just like before the teacher was ignoring him. Michael dragged Derek to the nurse's office without any of his condolences or with teacher permission.

   After many turns and long hallways Derek was at the health office. Michael didnt leave Derek's side wich made Derek feel a little bit better about the move because he has a new friend who is very caring and nice.

   The health office was very weird. There were beds randomly spread out around the room and curtains everywhere so people in the beds couldnt be seen. In the corner of the room was a desk where Michael was already talking to the nurse and filling out a card for him.

   After about 15 minutes of cofusion Derek's grandparents came in to pick him up (because Derek moved in after the move). The nurse and Michael  talked to his parents out of Dereks ear shot. After the conversation was over his grandparents  came over to pick him up without saying a word. The car ride was the same also, it was really quite and nobody spoke.

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