"Tch- As if! I'm the best tag player of all time! There's no way Norman could beat me!" I scoffed, swinging my legs on the tree branch.

"Well, he has 20 seconds left, I wouldn't be so cocky if I was you." Ray commented, with him gaining another scoff from me.

"With how his body is, I doubt that he can actually catch me before the time runs out." I stated. 

"Anyways, why didn't you want to play, Ray?" I asked, narrowing my blue eyes onto him, waiting for his answer. 

"I've told you this before, But it seems that you're just too narrow-minded to even listen." Ray said with a tired sigh, closing the green book he was reading and turning his attention towards me. 

"I. Don't. want. to. play. It's 5 simple words, got it?" Ray said irritatedly. 

"Coward, at least I'm more manly that you, idiot!"  I exclaimed, ruffling Ray's hair once more. 

"Manly? you're only 11, and you're a girl." Ray deadpanned. "That makes it even better!" I said happily. Ray groaned at the sight of me giggling happily, and decided to open his book again. 

As I was swinging by the tree, Ray took out his pocket watch, and looked over to the forest. 

"Looks like they're back." Ray mentioned to me. I looked back at the forest and saw Norman with Emma. 

"Yo, welcome back, crescent and tangerine!" I greeted the two happily, ruffling the two of their heads seconds after. 

"Nice job winning, Luna." Norman said with a smile. 

"Oh come on Norman, You can do way better than that if you ran more." I said, stealing Ray's book and bonking Norman on the head afterwards. 

"Ow." Norman said bluntly. I turned my attention away from my counterpart to see Emma, who was greatly frustrated, punching the ground with her head on the grass.

"Awwwwwhhh, why can't I ever beat Norman!!! It's so frustrating!!!" Emma complained, thrashing the grass below her repeatedly. 

"Question, Emma, what does Norman have that you don't?" Ray asked. 

"OOo!! Me! Me me me!" I exclaimed, waving my hand in the air rapidly.

"Norman doesn't have a naive mind like Emma, Norman isn't stupid, and the crescent isn't a sore loser!" I listed, flicking Emma's forehead in the process.

"Meanie!!! I'm not a sore loser!!" Emma pouted. 

"Yes, you are, besides, Norman doesn't have that antenna of yours either!" I teased again, ruffling Emma's hair once more. 

"Normannn!! Luna's being mean again!!" Emma pouted, causing Norman to giggle at her whining.

"Come on, Emma, stop being so whiny for once!" I said as I bonked Emma's head, with Emma letting out a yelp of pain afterwards.

"She's not a baby, Luna, she's a caring and lovable person!" Norman retorted, with Emma looking back at my counterpart and smiling back at him with thankfulness.

Ohoho? Standing up for Emma, ey? Smooth move, Crescent.

"Speaking of 'lovable'-" Before I could finish my sentence, Norman immediately placed his hand onto my mouth, muffling my voice. 

《𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐝 日食》・『❈TPN x OC❈』Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora