009; pretty little thing

Start from the beginning

Another small but now innocent grin made its way on his lips.

Honey, wait for me~

Sumi unintentionally shivered, feeling some kind of bad vibes.

Steel eyes looked at the brown-haired maid. Maurice sweatdropped as she had her hands on her lips to keep herself to gasping. Sumi sighed and dusted of the white on his pajamas.

The hell? It's just Maurice.

But- Sumi narrowed his eyes sending glares at her. There is a chance that she might tell on him. Byton wouldn't care if one staff goes missing right? I mean, he's never killed anyone before but he's open to try it.

Maurice might be one of the higher ranked maids around here, but she could always be replaced.. right? Sorry, but.. Sumi's freedom is much more important. Sometimes, risks must be taken.

Anyways, if his father heard of this, his movements might be restricted. THAT CANT HAPPEN. So that's why, Sumi shall eliminate her before words get out.

What was she doing in the middle of the night anyways? Possibly, its probably because of the noise he made when he knocked the jar of salt.

"Y-y-y-young master!" She stuttered.

Shut up, he's trying to think. That's it. He got it. His freedom is 10x more important. For this, he apologizes and he'll mourn for the maid's death after he kills her.

'I don't really know her. But if I'm gonna commit murder, i atleast have to give her a proper burial.'

Sumi placed the jar of sugar down as clapped his hands to remove the access sugar. It was obvious that Sumi underestimates the young lady. After all, what could Maurice do?

Don't worry. He'll make it as painless as possible. He isn't that cruel, he's human after all.

'My deepest apologies, Maurice. You've been kind to me.' Some kind of deadly aura emitted out of Louis.

Maurice only came to work at the Cliffard mansion to pay off her dept her father made. The pressure was unbearable, but she made it. The pay was good, and the food was good too. When she got promoted, she was ecstatic and decided to not quit after she paid off her dept.

Maurice was a kind lady with brown hair and brown eyes. She was plain, but also had some kind of appeal to her. It was a fact that she is smarter than some of the servants working in the mansion, but was usually pushed aside because of her clumsy attitude.

"What is going on here?" A strict and dark voice suddenly reached Sumi's ears.

Sumi paled. Oh, god. What is Collins doing here?! Sumi internally panicked. With Collins here, Sumi cant kill the maid! Sumi's deadly aura immediately shrunked as small as a mouse as Collins took a glance at his master.

Before Maurice could say anything, Sumi panicked and pointed at Maurice (but still keeping that no emotion face on). Sumi is basically a god at manipulating people. This cant be so hard right? Put the blame on the servant and his movements wont be restricted.

As compensation, Sumi decided to make sure that Maurice atleast wont lose her job, he'll also make sure to give her a bonus.. So please Maurice.. Take the blame.

Sumi's face immediately turned to acting mode as his arm stretched out to point at Maurice. Maurice also panicked as she began to freak out, holding her head in distress. Collins looked at Maurice with his cold green eyes, as if scolding her. Sumi may not notice it, but his hand was shaking. Oh, god.. Collins sure is scary when he's mad.

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