lots of love

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I woke up all alone in the hospital room. It was around 3pm and my stomach was literally shaking because I was so hungry. I didn't eat breakfast or lunch so that was probably the case. But it was super sunny out and laying in bed all day wasn't making me happier so I decided to walk up to the window without knowing I was strangled in IV's. I almost got out of my hospital room when the nurse came in. " Katie! i see walking is still possible. that's great!" the nurse said. " yea.. " i said giggling. The nurse replied saying that i was allowed to go home, but with 2 rules. 1. I had to follow all the classes online and not on campus. 2. I had to take all kinds of medication. " okay!!! wow thank you!!" i was super happy. My mom came to pick me up from my room after I was all packed. On the way home we talked about a lot. How this year was so far, about my new "friends", and more. It was silent for a sec so I decided to ask her about Alexa. " mom?? Uhm so do you know where Alexa is.. " I asked. My mom replied: " Hmm why? ". " Well she hasn't responded to any of my texts, calls or whatever and I haven't talked to her since college. " I said. "Maybe she's really busy. NC is a lot of work!". "Yeah.. you're right. Maybe she's busy.."

alexa and katie part 5 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora