The corner of my lip curled up, “Nope.” I said plainly. 

            “I’m surprised that some guy didn’t just punch you in the gut.” He sighed.

            I shrugged, smirking uncontrollably. I ran my fingers through my hair, fixing the duck-butt style I was sporting.

            “I hope no one would punch my Scott in the stomach.” Marlee’s voice trailed in from behind. I turned as she strolled up, a large, shiny red shoulder bag snug in her small palms.

            “Hey Marlee,” I greeted, kissing her gently on the lips.

            I saw Trey shaking his head, and I turned Marlee away from him. “How are you?” I asked, trying to make small talk.

            “I’m good.” She replied, looking at one of her French tip manicured fingers.

            “That’s good.” I responded.

            “Yup,” she uttered, looked up at me with eager fallow eyes. I shifted uneasily from foot to foot, digging my hands in my pockets. Marlee noticed the movement, because she looked up at me quizzically.

            “Do I make you nervous,” she asked, a twinge of amusement in her voice.

            “Nope,” I replied easily, “but that does.” I added to myself.

            Trey, hearing the last part of the comment, followed my gaze and locked eyes with Hannah and Mae. He shook his head, releasing a loud sigh.

            “Hey Scott.” Hannah called. Marlee tensed, turning slightly to see the two girls.

            “Hey Hannah,… Mae.” I answered casually.

            The two came to a stop next to me and Trey. The tension between Marlee and Hannah was so strong that it was as though large bolts of electricity passed between them.

            “Marlee.” Hannah greeted, her voice taking on a mock tone.

            “Hannah.” Marlee replied coolly. Mae shifted closer to me, and I placed a hand comfortingly on her back. She glanced up at me with her hazel-blue eyes and I suppressed a smile. Marlee turned to me, doing her best to ignore Hannah’s presence.

            “So,” she said cheerfully, “have you decided what we’re doing for Valentine’s Day yet?”

            I looked at her, furrowing my brows. Marlee always had to find a way to remind everyone that she was my girlfriend, and in the worst of situations. I ran a hand through my hair.

            I opened my mouth to say something, but Hannah cut me off. “We were planning to go to the anti-V day party at Emma’s.” She said.

            “I wasn’t talking to you.” Marlee retorted. She turned back to me.

            “A-actually,” I stammered, “My friends and I are going to the party. I was planning to tell you—”

            “But, it’s our special day.” Marlee whimpered, looking at me with rounding eyes.

            “We can go on a date another time,” I told her softly, “everyone’s going and—”

            “What happens if I don’t want to go?” she muttered, crossing her arms in defiance.

            “Then you don’t have to.” Hannah jumped in. Marlee flashed her a death-like glare.

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