Midnight Hearts

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In the middle of the misty, blue night at the beach, where nothing can be heard but water splashes hitting the shore, lies a man deeply engulfed by his own thoughts. Chimon was with his circle having a supposed to be fun vacation. His friends are at the main venue, singing songs and enjoying every moment of their semestral break. While there he was, sitting alone on the sands.

"I should've not told to him about my feelings. Fuck my dumb self."

Chimon said to himself while drafting Nanon's name in the sand that is now submerged in water, completely washing it away.

The main reason why Chimon was not in the venue was because he confessed his love to the person he was in the same circle with, Nanon. He felt nothing but awkwardness and heartbroken whenever he's with Nanon.


"Why are you like this Chimon? You've been ignoring me for the past week." Nanon asked Chimon.

"Sorry about that, Non. I was just.. b-busy with.. schoolworks." Chimon stuttered while avoiding the stares of Nanon.

"Mon, please look directly to my eyes. You are not busy, right?" Nanon replied in a suspicious tone.

Chimon was trying so hard not to burst into tears. He doesn't really want to tell Nanon that he's been falling for him because he doesn't want to put an end to their long-running friendship.

"I am, Non. My schedule is very hectic right now."

"We've been friends for five years now, Chimon. You really think I would fucking believe that? Can you please tell me what's going on with you?" Nanon yelled at him out of frustration.

"A person like you would never understand so please Nanon, stop asking." Chimon turned his back to Nanon, which made the latter furious.

"Understand what!?"

Nanon yelled as he grasped onto Chimon's shoulder, making the latter face him.

"That I love you!"

The tears that Chimon were trying to hold back finally flowed down to his cheeks. He couldn't take it anymore; he was being driven by his emotions. He felt like he's a balloon filled with too much air that soon will burst.

The only positive thing that Chimon felt was the relief of finally getting rid of the thorn he's suffering at for five years. The thorn that pricks him every time he sees Nanon, knowing that his love for him will not be reciprocated.

"You heard that right. I'm in love with you. Since day one. But your past love still hunts you that time. And I know that you're scared to love again. To open your heart again for someone. That's why I chose to hide it for five fucking years Nanon." Chimon explained as he bursts into tears.

Nanon got nothing to say. Those words of Chimon felt like millions of knives stabbing Nanon right in his chest. He cannot stand seeing his best friend crying because of him. He tried to hug him, but his feet were tangled to ground. He tried to reach for him, but it feels like his body was paralyzed. He cannot move a single muscle. The only thing he's aware of was the fluid of pain starting to flow in his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for liking you. I'm sorry for hiding it. Sorry for everything. I know you deserve someone better than me, Nanon. Someone that will make you feel complete again. Someone that will put a smile in your face. And that someone, is not me."

Those were the last words of Chimon before he left Nanon alone in the room.

End of flashback

"Tss. How stupid I am to fall in love with my best friend.." Chimon said to himself as he snapped back into reality and sighed.

"Why are you alone in the beach?"

A mysterious yet familiar voice appeared somewhere. Chimon felt shivers down to his spine. It was the voice that used to make him happy. The voice that he could listen to everyday. But it was also the voice that broke his heart into two.

"Can I sit beside you?"

Chimon's instincts were right. It was the voice of Nanon.


Chimon still cannot explain what he's feeling whenever Nanon is around. But this time, he managed to stay in his composed facade while talking to Nanon.

"If you are to here ask me why I am not partying with the squad, you know damn very well why Nanon. I hate parties." Chimon said as he initiated the conversation.

"I know that. But how can I enjoy if there's one missing important person." Nanon replied.

"What do you mean?"

The two fall silent for a minute.

"Mon, uhm.. I didn't get the chance to talk to you since you left me alone in that room. I tried to speak words, but I just can't. I'm sorry about that." Nanon said as he breaks the silence.

"Forget about it Non. Leave it all in the past. You cannot go back and change what already happened."

"It is. But we can restart and change the ending."

Chimon's heart began to pound. His hands were trembling and sweating despite the freezing temperature outside.


"You never left me Chimon. For five years, you stayed by my side, through thick and thin. You said that I deserve someone who'll complete me, and someone who will put a smile in my face. Out of all the people that came to my life, I found them all in you, Chimon."

Chimon's eyes were filled with tears. Not because of grief, but because of happiness and excitement. He wasn't prepared to be put in this kind of situation. He never knew that he will hear those words from Nanon. Felt like he was dreaming, but it turns out he's not. He was really beside the person he loves the most.

"Non, what do you mean?" Chimon asked as he sobs.

Nanon moved closer to Chimon and cupped his face. He gently caressed his cheeks, wiped all the tears, and looked at him directly to his eyes. He can see how ecstatic Chimon's eyes are.

"Shh stop crying.. I'm sorry if I made you hide it for several years. I can't stand seeing you crying. Now it's my time to change the ending of our story. I love you too, Chimon."

"Non you have no idea how happy I am right now. I want to have you for the rest of my life." Chimon replied as he tightly hugged his other half. The stars and the moon were the witnesses to the unfolding of their relationship.

---- end

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