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The bus stopped, they had arrived at school. Ron's legs were sore but he wasn't going to say anything. He shook Hermione carefully waking her up.

"Hermione we're here," Ron whispered. Harry admired their relationship and wondered how they weren't already dating. She slowly lifted her head and rubbed her eyes. She then put her hand in her hair to fix it up.

"Did you braid my hair?" Mione asked looking at Ron.

"Maybe yes, maybe no," he said with a grin. She nudged him and walked out of the train as the boys trailed behind her.

The trio walked into school each thinking very different things.

Harry: If black is looking for Peter and Dementors are looking for Black; it's really just who catches the other person first. This is going to be a fun game!

Ron: I really hope Hermione is okay, wait why am I so concerned. Do I like her?

Hermione: Did Ron really let me sleep on his lap? Get him out of your mind! Ooh, first years! Awh Rons' hair is so long, OUT! He braided my hair I never knew he could do that. UGH!

Each caught up with their own maze of thoughts none of them said a word the whole ceremony. It wasn't till the food appeared in front of them.
"Oh, finally I'm starving!" Lied Ron. For the first time, he wasn't hungry. His mind was a mess he couldn't explain what was happening. All he could think about was Hermione.

"Oh, heh me too!" Hermione followed. Hermione wasn't so hungry either. She had a strange feeling of depression but then and rush of love. She always saw Ron as a brother but it felt, different now. 'Maybe he wanted to be nice there is no way he likes me!' her mind circled with thoughts as she shoved food down her throat.

Harry was playing with the mashed potatoes on his plate. He certainly didn't have an appetite.

"Are you three alright? You guys are usually the loudest lot at the table!" Asked Neville looking each of them in the eyes.

"Yes, Neville, we are alright thank you. We just bought loads of snacks on the ride so we are pretty bloated!" Said Hermione reassuring him. She didn't know if Harry and Ron were alright but she knew none of them was going to talk.

"Wicked! the snacks from the trolly are amazing!" Said Neville sliding closer to Hermione. Ron snapped his head up and looked Neville dead in the eye.

"Yes...They are quite the treat aren't they?" she replied, looking between Ron and Neville. She didn't like that Neville was right next to her and neither did Ron.

"Ohhh, you guys are together now I see," said Neville with a smirk on his face. If you asked me he started to look like the Grinch.

"Umm no we aren't! I mean- umm we we are just friends!" Hermione called as her cheeks turned hot.

"Of course not Neville, we are just friends! You heard Hermione!" Ron called.

Neville shrugged and turned back to Dean. Both Ron and Hermione were blushing now. This made both of them lose control of their thoughts.

'does he like me?'

'does she like me?'

- -

"We should start going to divination, it's top of the north tower," said Harry.
"Harry you didn't eat!"
"I really don't care Hermione let's just go," He said in the most monotone voice. Ron and Hermione were worried but they didn't want to say anything else.
The trio walked the halls like dead bodies. None showed emotion or dared to speak a word. Slowly they walked up the stairs of the tower. Right before entering the classroom, they were stopped.

"Hermione is it true? Is it true you fainted, I mean you actually fainted?" asked Draco pretending to pass out. He had a group of Slytherins now laughing at Hermione. Hermione didn't know what to say back. She didn't like them laughing at her but she knew anything she would've done will be used against her, so she reminded silent.

"Oh shove off Malfoy!" started Ron, "You would've fainted the moment it entered your train cabin. Malfoy the cry baby, awh do you need daddy to comfort you? get lost!" Ron announced that louder than he wanted to. Surprisingly, Draco walked into class without another word. Crabbe and Goyle gave him a look before following him inside.

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