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Hey guys! I know the beginning of Prisoner of Azkaban is amazing but this is going to be shortened a little. It will make sense.



"YOU BRING HER BACK, YOU BRING HER BACK RIGHT NOW!" yelled Mr Dursley chasing after Harry angrily.

"NO, she deserved it now I'm going to leave!" he announced grabbing his trunk and Hedwig's cage. "You can't leave stupid boy, you have nowhere to go." Mr Dursley said with an evil grin. "I don't care, anywhere is better than here," Harry called back slamming the door behind him. He didn't know where he was going but he couldn't handle being around them anymore.

The night sky was peaceful, Harry was alone on the street. He had walked for what seemed like a century and decided to stop on the pavement. He noticed a black dog. Padfoot? Before he could take another look a gust of wind hit him. Scared, he fell over only to find a strange vehicle appearing in front of him.

"Hello and welcome to The Night Bus, emergency transport for stranded witches and wizards. Just stick out your wand and come right in, we can take you anywhere you want. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for this evening." The conductor stopped to find Harry on the ground. "Why you on the ground"

"I, I fell over" stuttered Harry

"What choo fall over for eh?"

"Umm, no reason..."

"Well get up then chop-chop," Said the conductor with a confused look. As for Harry was staring off in the distance. He had noticed a strange black silhouette in the shape of a dog. "Wha' choo you looking at?"

"Nothing nothing," said Harry as he held out his wand to the conductor and walked in as Stan carried Harry's trunk.

Harry found his way to a seat, a bed. The bus was filled with snoring people each on a blue bed, He found an empty one a sat on it.

"What did you say your name was?" asked Stan.

"I didn't. I'm Neville Longbottom." He replied quickly not wanting to reveal his true self.

"Neville ehh, and where would you like to go?"

"Diagon Alley, that's in London."

"Alright, HIT IT!" he called to the driver.

The rest of the ride went pretty smooth. Although Harry did feel sick considering how fast the bus was going.

Before arriving, Harry noticed the newspaper in Stan's hand. On the cover was a picture of none other than Sirius Black. He knew Sirius but he knew he had to pretend he didn't. He tilted his head slightly and read:

 He tilted his head slightly and read:

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^From Prisoner of Azkaban^

Oh god' Harry thought to himself. He knew this wasn't going to go well. He needed to talk to Lupin.

"Well we arrived Neville," Stan said as he opened the door for Harry to exit. He walked out with his truck rolling behind him only to find Cornelius Fudge, minister of magic, calling his name.

"Oh, Harry, there you are come in come in," said Fudge as he welcomed him.

Harry followed Fudge into a room on the third floor. There, Fudge explained how blowing up his aunt wasn't smart but it definitely won't get him sent out of school. Fudge kept talking while Harry's mind was occupied with the Black situation.

Shortly after, Fudge let Harry go. It was late, and Harry hasn't eaten yet. As he left the room he heard a few familiar voices.

"YOUR BLOODY CAT TRIED TO KILL SCABBERS!" yelled Ron as Harry made his way down the stairs laughing to himself.

"NO CROOKSHANKS WAS HERE WITH ME THE WHOLE TIME!" Hermione called back furious.

"Harry!" said Ron forgetting what had just happened between him and Hermione. In just seconds the three of them were at the table talking like they always do.

"Oh, Harry, look at this!" said Ron pulling out a photo, "We went to Egypt, it was awfully hot but so much fun!"

"You know the Egyptians used to worship cat-" Hermione started.

"Oi Ron, of course, you are showing Harry the photograph you showed it to everyone!" Said Fred annoyed.

"I didn't show it to everyone"

"Oh, not at all! not unless you count Tom, the day maid, the night maid, the cook, the guy who fixed the toilet, and that wizard from Belgium!" continued George. Rons' ears turned pink and Harry couldn't help but laugh.

While everyone was talking about getting ready for school, Aurthur pulled Harry aside.

"Harry this is important that you listen and not tell anyone. 13 years ago when umm you-know-who gave you the scar Black lost everything. Now he has escaped and he believes the only thing between him and the lord is you. To this day he is a faithful servant to you-know-who and he is looking for you. He wants to kill you. Just promise me Harry no matter what you hear don't go looking for him." Said Mr Weasley quietly.

"Why would I go after someone who is trying to kill me?" Harry asked shocked at how little people know of the truth. Mr Weasley didn't reply and placed an uneasy smile on his face and let Harry go.


This chapter is pretty boring it gets better y'all!

Thanks for reading :)

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