Requests are open.

353 8 10

:33 < *Ac purrs in delight*

:33 < requests are offurcially open meow!

:33 < you may place a request via comment or private message!

:33 < the only limitation of a request is below!

1. No requesting vulgar content. Aka: "lood" drawings. Just no bro, that's to weird.

Seriously that's the only limitation so go bananas B) lol



as well as all the c0mments and v0tes...

iT UH, mEANS ALOT! }:)

2eriiou2ly iit doe2

So like, wwe wwould like to thank you by allowwin' you guys and gills to request wwhat you wwant to see drawn.

:33 < *ac says that she would love to see what ideas you have fur drawing, and maybe even some ships? h33 h33!*

So LiKe MoThErFuCkIn' DoN't Be ShY bRo/sIs :o)

Lot's Of Love,

a d m i n <3

P.s. {{ forgive the horrible rendering of the photo used for this chapter ;v; glub }}

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