dark new year part 3

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flashback ends

"that's not something you should worry about." you friend said while you turned to glare at him , "you can still run away with romeo , he proposed to you yesterday right ." you friends said while you frowned at the mention of him ,"don't talk about that jerk and that's not what I messed up on there is more to it ." you said with a pout and again groaned you friends gave you looks to continue while you sighed and again decided on telling them the rest of the part .

flash back starts

you woke in your bed just like the last time and remembered all that happened ,you didn't wanted anyone to die cause of you so you decided on staying away from guys and you went in the shower with a heavy heart and a disturbed mind , after a long shower you came out with a big sigh and a little frown on your face . "y/n " your mom called as you just wore your tshirt and then yelled back to her, "yes mom." you shouted as you moved out to your room from your washroom . "come for breakfast. " your mother shouted and you sighed, you didn't wanted to eat but that wouldn't be great either cause you're gonna make your mother shout at you. you quickly slipped on a lose plazo and headed down to the dining room and settled on your seat beside your father and mum. You quietly sat and took a spoon full of your cereal, it was quiet but you felt uneasy. You could feel the intense glare of your parents and felt a lump form in your throat as you felt like this was the best time to ask them to deny that marriage proposal, 'you can do it y/N' you told yourself and nodded slightly with a new found energy inside you. "mom dad I want to tell you guys something ." you declared gaining there attention which might have been on you since before maybe.. From the moment you entered inside. You cleared your throat getting a little uneasy and then smiled at them, "I don't want to marry the guy you choosed for me. " you said swiftly and then looked down not ready to look them in the eye, "you like someone? " you father asked you and a flash of that vampire guy went through your mind. 'damn why him y/n ?!' you mentally slapped yourself while biting your lip and shaking your head in a no. "then why you are denying such a good opportunity? " your mother asked you and you shook your head , "I don't wanna get married to anyone, I am not ready for it right now. " you said with a troubled look on your face, "we aren't marrying your off right now, you have time till your studies end ." your father said and you opened your mouth to say but before you could even muster a word you father again spoke up, "no more arguments on this, you will be marrying loki and that's final ." your father said and stood up leaving to his office and even your mother said after giving you a smile. Your will to eat was gone as the spoon dropped from your hand and your sighed rubbing your face, you couldn't take this all and just stood up running upstairs to the terrace and got over the edge of the railings.

"should I end this? " you asked yourself while feeling the air flowing across touching your face. You looked down and then closed your eyes, no you couldn't do that. That wasn't you, you needed to talk to anyone who could just take this pain away so you just walked to a near by wall area and sat down on the floor with the wall as your support and took in a deep breath before your eyes started to water and you quickly looked in your recent calls list and saw your friend number just before loki's number, your vision blurred and you just tapped on your friends number then connected the phone to your ears . "hello.. (y/f/n.), please don't say anything and just listen to me.." you begged and just heard a hmm from the other side and that made you smile a little, "you know about that vampire guy right I told you about him... " you told them the whole story as you kept on bawling, "I don't know what to do,.....*sniffs* .... I can't find a way out of this, it seems like all the doors have been closed for me and i have no escape, ....*hiccups *....I thought of running away with Romeo but that jerk.....*takes a deep breath*...he backed off at the final moment , now I have no options. Either I marry that guy my father choosed for me and put his life at risk or just run away cause I know that till the time i am here that vampire guy wouldn't let me live with anyone else. I don't know what to do, I just feel like I should end this all.... " you said and just sniffed between hiccups, "y/n.." the voice from the other side of the phone made you freeze, you pulled the phone away from your ear and what you saw made you panick even more, the name there written was 'loki. ' Instead of your friends name and you didn't know what to do now , you thought of quickly ending the call but the voice from that side of the phone made you stop . "don't cut me off listen to me ." he said in a firm yet pleading voice, you didn't said anything and just connected the phone to your ear , "you can't end this, that would be running away and I know you aren't one of the types to back off, the thing about that vampire guy I totally believe that there is such things and if he is after you for something then you are at risk, but you don't need to worry about the fact that he might hurt me to be with you. You can choose me or anyone but I promise you I will protect you from that vampire. The thing about me and my life at a risk if it is for you then I can do it with a smile . When you need someone just call me and i will be there remember you have me no matter what it is and even if it is related to me just tell me. " he comforted and assured you while you felt yourself feeling like you were a little light.

Flashback ends

"so that's all. " you said and boringly looked at your friends, "didn't he said anything after that? " one of your friends asked and you nodded, "he didn't said anything to me but he asked my parents to let him take me to a restaurant so basically a date but I directly rejected my father couldn't say anything about this cause he knows that i am not gonna agree at any chance, then my mum came to me to show his picture but I said that when I don't get to choose who I am marrying then why should I bother to even see who he is. " you said and your friends nodded in understanding, "so you are marrying him anyway right? " your friend asked and you nodded with a sigh. "I still can change that. " you said with a determination in your eyes and your friends smiled, let's see what time has in store for you.

A/N: hello guys, I am sorry that this part got really late and I am currently dealing with my lazy self which is kinda depressed. So sorry .

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